Paul Sutton



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Diverse organic-mineral associations in Jezero crater, Mars

The rover that just keeps giving, so looks like “NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars.”.

This is from the original Fediverse post by Natalie Davis

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover discovers more evidence of building blocks of life on Mars. Although the organic molecules were not necessarily the products of biological processes, it does raise the chances Mars once had life and could indicate we're looking in the right place.

So exciting stuff, the full article in Nature can be found here

So we are finding more evidence Mars may once have had life. If you want to learn more about some of the basic building blocks of life and how we go about finding these, please check a previous post about the Mumbai University Astrobiology course videos

In the mean time feel free to ask on Fedi or on Science forums.


#Mars #Perseverance #life #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #space #science

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3D map of the Red Planet

Zoom in on Mars like never before with this epic 3D map of the Red Planet

This was posted to Mastodon so sharing here today.

Created by the Bruce Murray Laboratory for Planetary Visualization at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, the interactive Global CTX Mosaic of Mars map (opens in new tab) is a mosaic created from images taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter — more specifically, its black-and-white Context Camera.



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Rolls Royce Nuclear engine

Rolls-Royce Nuclear Engine Could Power Quick Trips to the Moon and Mars



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Nuclear thermal rocket engine

This was posted to fediverse by NASA today, sounds like things are really moving in this area. What a period in history to study STEM and learn the skills to be part of this.


We’re partnering with @DARPA to demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine in space. This new engine would allow us to do more science and reach destinations faster—key steps for sending the first crewed mission to Mars. read more


There are opportunities for people in the Uk to be part of this, as it will require world wide expertise to do this.



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Mars Helicopter – Autonomous flying

How NASA Designed a Helicopter That Could Fly Autonomously on Mars. How software was developed to help NASA control a autonomous remote helicopter on Mars.




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Journey of Curiosity

This video is about an hour long, but is well worth watching, a really good overview of the mission, it findings and the science.




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Mars Rover follow up

Everything has gone as planned. On Thursday 18th Feb 2021. The NASA Perseverance Rover, will touched down on Mars safely and sent its first signal and images back to Earth.



#NASA,#Perseverance,#Rover,#Discussion, #Science,#Mars,#Mission

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Ethics and space exploration

As humans start to venture back in to space with the view of returning to the Moon in 2024, then eventually moving on to Mars and beyond.

This paper [1] written Frank Tavars (from NASAs Ames Research Centre,) et al, raises some very interesting ideas on how we should about space exploration, but don't repeat our colonial mistakes we made on Earth.

Link [2] is the same link but using the paper code and the citation guide is below that.

Hopefully discussion and lead to some really useful feed back for NASA so as a human race we can move forward and explore space responsibly.

1 Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices


arXiv:2010.08344 [astro-ph.IM]
(or arXiv:2010.08344v2 [astro-ph.IM] for this version) 

I have also set up a Qoto Discourse Thread to discuss further.

Thanks to Derek Caelin for posting a link to this to both Mastodon and Twitter.

Also included a link to the Mumbai university astrobiology course as there is discussion on * Space Policy and Planetary Protection* which may be interesting.




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The search for life on Mars

One of the advantages of being a higher education student or in my case alumni is you get to join groups. I have just been watching a live webcast on the experiments that are being used onboard Mars rovers to look for possible indicators that Mars once supported life.

Exploring the Habitability of Mars with the Curiosity and Rosalind Franklin rovers and Orbital Missions

I am not sure if there is a recording of this going up, but the link to a some more information is here.

I am currently undertaking Particle Physics but there is also a really interesting series of lecutures on AstroBiology I want to check out too.

#OpenUniversity,#OU,#space,#science,#mars,#curiosity,#rover,#talks,#education,#chemistry,#biochemistry,#biology, #orgnaic,#OrganicMolecules,#NASA,#JPL,Rovers, #RosalindFranklin.#OrbitalMissions

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