Paul Sutton


Biochemistry of Enceladus

Observations of Elemental Composition of Enceladus Consistent with Generalized Models of Theoretical Ecosystems | bioRxiv

Paper on BiorXiv on the chemistry found on Enceladus. You can read this here

I found a link to this on the Fediverse and the original post can also be found here

This can also be discussed on Science Forums



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Left and Right handed molecules

Some interesting research has taken place and there is now a better explanation of why we have right and left handed molecules.

The article Breakthrough’ could explain why life molecules are left- or right-handed was published on and shared on the Fediverse.

I have asked a question about this and also how cis & trans molecules are also created. even though this is referred to as stereoisomerism, so a different topic area.

Papers & articles

I would suggest reading in the context of the above article, as they are all linked from that.



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How Enzymes work

Another really good resource for anyone interested in Biology and BioChemistry related topics.

This was linked to at the end of the video on Proteins which as posted to fedi by Stephen Moran

This packs a lot of information in a short video, there are also some related videos in the side bar which look equally as informative.

If you're studying science subjects, sometimes you may not quite understand something so finding different explanations can be quite helpful.

You can follow Stephen on the Fediverse, (details above) and discuss. Feel free to also ask questions on :


#science #biochemistry #OrganicChemistry #biology #video

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The structure of Proteins

Another really good resource for anyone interested in Biology and Chemistry related topics.

Stephen Moran

“Amazing visualisation and overview of the structure and action of proteins”

This packs a lot of information in a short video, there are also some related videos in the side bar which look equally as informative.

If you're studying science subjects, sometimes you may not quite understand something so finding different explanations can be quite helpful.

You can follow Stephen on the Fediverse, (details above) and discuss. Feel free to also ask questions on :


#science #biochemistry #OrganicChemistry #biology #video

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Latest FutureLearn course

I signed up to another FutureLearn course, “Atmospheric Chemistry : Planets and life beyond Earth” a few weeks ago.

Mostly for personal interest, however, parts of this will tie in with the National Curriculum.

This is a 4 hour course, spread over 2 weeks, I took my time to compete this as I had other things to do at the same time.



This course is now complete.


#FutureLearn,#Chemistry,#Planets,#Atmosphere, #BioChemistry,#Chemistry

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The search for life on Mars

One of the advantages of being a higher education student or in my case alumni is you get to join groups. I have just been watching a live webcast on the experiments that are being used onboard Mars rovers to look for possible indicators that Mars once supported life.

Exploring the Habitability of Mars with the Curiosity and Rosalind Franklin rovers and Orbital Missions

I am not sure if there is a recording of this going up, but the link to a some more information is here.

I am currently undertaking Particle Physics but there is also a really interesting series of lecutures on AstroBiology I want to check out too.

#OpenUniversity,#OU,#space,#science,#mars,#curiosity,#rover,#talks,#education,#chemistry,#biochemistry,#biology, #orgnaic,#OrganicMolecules,#NASA,#JPL,Rovers, #RosalindFranklin.#OrbitalMissions

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