Paul Sutton


Libreplanet videos

The talk videos from the Libreplanet conference 2024 are now online.

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LibrePlanet 2024 – Schedule

Latest info for Libreplanet 2024

Location : Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA & online Dates : May 4 & 5, 2024 Website : LibrePlanet 2024 Schedule : Schedule
IRC : webchat 1. Enter a nickname 2. Channel : #libreplanet 3. Press Start


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LibrePlanet 2024 – call for sessions extended

call for sessions

Conference dates : To Be confirmed, March 2024

Updated on 18/10/2023 : You can now register to attend

Updated 24/10/2023

This has been extended until November 17th



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A #AbsorbtionSpectra #Abuse #Academy #Activism #Adenine #Afghanistan #Africa #Alphablocks #AMES #AminoAcid #AmnestyInternational #AMOC #Analytics #apg #Api #Apt #Aptitude #AralBalkan #Archaeology #Arduino #ARM #Artemis #arXiv #Assembler #AstroBiology #AstroChemistry #Astronify #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Atlantic #AtomicStructure B #BlueGhost #bash #BASH #BASHShell #BatchProcessing #Beamer #BepiColombo #better #BibTeX #BigBluButton #BigOil #BioChemistry #Biology #BioMass #Blender #Blog #Bonfire #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #Browser #Bullseye #Buster C #Castopod #Charity #Chat #Chemistry #Chrome #Chromium #Climate #Code #CodeClub #Coding #Commons #Conditions #Conference #Console #Cornwall #Corona #CoronaVirus #Cosmology #Covid19 #cpd #CPD #Creative #CreativeCommons #CreativeEducation #CriticalThinking #CrudeOil #Cryptpad #Crystal #CTAN #CyberSecurity #Cytosine D #DarkMatter #Data #DBS #dcglug #dclug #Debconf #Debian #Decentralised #Decentralized #DeepLearning #Derived #Detox #Development #Devon #Diaspora #Digital #DiodeZone #Discussions #disroot #Disroot #dna #DNA #Docker #Documentation #Donate #Donation #Draft #DRM #Drupal E #Editing #Education #EdX #Electronics #Elements #emacs #Email #EmissionSpectra #Employment #Energy #EnergySavingWeek #Engine #Engine #ESA #Ethics #Ethiopia #EventManagement #Events #EveryonesInvited #Exoplanet #Exploration F #FalconsEye #Federated #Fediverse #Firefox #Flockingbird #Football #FootBall #Fosdem #FOSSandCrafts #FossileFuels #Foundation #Framablog #FramaBlog #Framework #FreeBSD #FreeBSD #Freedom #FreeSoftware #Friendica #Friendica #FSF #FSFE #Funkwhale #Fusion #FutureLearn G #Galaxy #Galculator #GameEngine #Games #Games #Gamma #GDPR #GettingStarted #Ghostreply #Gimp #Git #Gitlab #GitLab #gm #GNOME #GNU #GnuSocial #GoAccess #GoatCounter #GoDot #gold #GPL #GraphicsMagick #Greek #Guanine #GUI H #Hack #HackerPublicRadio #Hacking #Hardware #Hexchat #HomeChemistry #HomeChemistry1 #HomeChemistry10 #HomeChemistry11 #HomeChemistry12 #HomeChemistry13 #HomeChemistry14 #HomeChemistry15 #HomeChemistry16 #HomeChemistry17 #HomeChemistry18 #HomeChemistry2 #HomeChemistry3 #HomeChemistry4 #HomeChemistry5 #HomeChemistry6 #HomeChemistry7 #HomeChemistry8 #HomeChemistry9 #Hosting #HPR #htop #Hubble #Hubzilla #HumanRights #Hypothesis I #Image #ImageManipulation #Index #InfoGraphic #information #Inkscape #Invidious #IRC J #JamesWebb #Jitsi #JoeEditor #jpl #JPL #Jupyter #JupyterNotebook #JWST K #Kanban #kbin #KCSIE #KDE #KeepingChildrenSafeinEducation, #Kenya #kstars L #LaTeX #Law #Learning #Lecture #Legal #Legislation #Lemmy #LGPL #LiberaPay #Libre #LibreAdventure #LibreLounge #Librem #Libreoffice #LibreOffice #LibreOfficeCalc #LibreOfficeDraw #LibreOfficeGettingStarted #LibreOfficeImpres #LibreOfficeWriter #LibrePlanet #Linux #LinuxMint #Lua #Luanti #Luanti #LXDE #Lynx M #Magnesium #Management #Manganese #Map #Mapscii #Mars #Mastodon #Materials #Matomo #Matrix #Maya #Meeting #Meetings #mercury #Mercury #Meta #mining #Misskey #mobile #Mobile #Mobilizon #Mobilizon #MolarSolutionCalculator #Moon N #NaCl #Nano #NationsLeague #Nebula #NetHack #network #NewSkillsAcademy #Nextcloud #NFL #NGINX #Nuclear #NuclearFusion #Nucleobases #NASA O #Ocean #Oil #OilProducts #Online #Online #OnlineSafetyBill #Open #OpenData #OpenLearn #OpenStreetMap #OpenUniversity #Orbitals #OU #Overleaf #Owncast #OwnCloud P #Package #Parker #PaigntonLibrarySTEMGroup #Pandas #Paper #ParticlePhysics #Particles #Password #Payment #Paypal #PDF #PeerTube #PeriodicTable #Phonics #Photo #Photograph #Photographs #Photos #Physics #pinebook #pinephone #PixelFed #Planet #Plausible #Pleroma #Plume #Podcast #PowderToy #Privacy #Production #Products #Programming #ProtoSchool #Public #Purism #Python #Python3 Q #Quark #Quarks R #RadioAstronomy #Reading #Recovery #RedBubble #RedCabbage #Research #Rights #RISC #RISCV #rna #RNA #RocksAndDiamonds #Rookie #RookieCamp #Rust S #Safeguarding #SaferInternetDay #Safety #Salt #Schools #Science #Science #ScienceDaily #Scismic #Scratch #Scratch2 #Scratch3 #SDTJ #Seagl #Security #Simulator #Sitejs #Skymaps #smallweb #Soccer #Social #SocialHome #SocialHub #SodiumChloride #Solarus #Solid #SouthDevonTechJam #Space #Stars #Stellarium #Stickers #Stripe #stsci #Symmetry #Synaptic T #Tailings #Talk #Teaching #TeachingAssistant #Techlearningcollective #Telescope #Terminal #Terms #TeX #TextEditor #TheOpenUniversity #Theory #TheOU #Thesis #Thunar #Thunderbird #Thymine #Tilde #Toot #Top #Topic #Torbay #TorbayTrojans #Transit #Translation #Trojans #Trunk #Tuxiversity U #Ulytsheavy #Umami #UN #UnitedKingdom #UnitedNations #UniverseOfLearning #Uracil #Use #users V #Vaccine #Virgo #VLC #VokoScreen #Volunteer #Volunteering #VultureNethack #vultureseye W #Warming #wayland #weatherinfo #Website #WhiteVinegar #wicd #wireless #Wordpress #Work #WorldCup #WorldSpaceWeek #Wormhole #Write freely #Writing X #Xchat #XenonLamp #XFCE #XFCE4 #XMPP #xorg #Xournal #xray Y #YearOfTheFediverse Z #Zoo

LibrePlanet 2024 – call for sessions

call for sessions

Conference dates : To Be confirmed, March 2024

Updated on 18/10/2023 : You can now register to attend



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Libre Planet videos

Recordings of all the talks from the LibrePlanet conference are now up on MediaGoblin and Peertube. Please see the official announcement here.




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LibrePlanet 2023 starts today

LibrePlanet 2023

This years Free Software Foundation conference is back in Boston as an in person conference, however talks will still be streamed online. It will run from March 18th to 19th, 2023.

LibrePlanet 2023

This years theme is Charting the course.

I have been helping with reviewing talks for the conference, so from this I know there is a really good range of interesting talks, workshops for the event.

Keynotes :

  • Right to repair advocate Elizabeth Chamberlain
  • Software freedom in education advocate Erin Rose Glass


I will be on IRC and libreadventure as zleap


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Libre Planet 2023 poster

LibrePlanet 2023
LibrePlanet 2023 will be both online and in-person. 


March 18-19, 2023

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) 415 Summer Street,
MA, 02210

Software freedom in education advocate Erin Rose Glass to keynote LibrePlanet.



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LibreAdventure testing 2023

With under a week to go until LibrePlanet 2023, as a member of the LIbrePlanet committee, I have started to help test the FSFs LibreAdvemture game.

So far the game works fine. I need other people to test if the video / voice integration works, but I can't see why it won't

Just found one or two bugs / issues so far, these have been reported via the etherpad.





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LibrePlanet 2023

This years Free Software Foundation conference is back in Boston as an in person conference, however talks will still be streamed online. It will run from March 18th to 19th, 2023.

LibrePlanet 2023

This years theme is Charting the course.

I have been helping with reviewing talks for the conference, so from this I know there is a really good range of interesting talks, workshops for the event.

Keynotes :

  • Right to repair advocate Elizabeth Chamberlain
  • Software freedom in education advocate Erin Rose Glass



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Libre Planet 2023 poster

LibrePlanet 2023
LibrePlanet 2023 will be both online and in-person. 


March 18-19, 2023

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) 415 Summer Street,
MA, 02210

Software freedom in education advocate Erin Rose Glass to keynote LibrePlanet.



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LibrePlanet 2023 Schedule

This years Free Software Foundation conference is back in Boston as an in person conference, however talks will still be streamed online. It will run from March 18th to 19th, 2023.

The schedule is now available.

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston, MA & online

LibrePlanet 2023

This years theme is Charting the course.

I have been helping with reviewing talks for the conference, so there are some really interesting talks, and a keynote on Free Software in Education from Erin Rose Glass.

I will be helping to test some of the infrastructure such as LibreAdventure over the coming weeks, as well as attending some training for moderator for IRC / Voice chat.




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