I decided to re-write and republish this, so the post can focus on the wider picture of what the Fediverse is.
This has been undertaken following comments / conversations on #Mastodon about people not actually referring to the #Fediverse directly, of which #Mastodon is one of many services. A different video is presented below, along with an infographic and #Hastags to the services listed This list has also been added to the #index page.
Getting started is easy, if you need help please get in touch. I can be contacted on the fediverse via @zleap@qoto.org
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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.
Share Graphics on Next Cloud
So Further to the video / post yesterday
In a similar way to how you can share a video on BBB you can share graphics in markdown, by doing something similar. This works on WriteAs / WriteFreely
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Sharing video from Nextcloud to Big Blue Button
Big Blue Button is designed to be a teaching platform, allowing the sharing of video for use in presentations. The following is a run through on how to share a video stored on NextCloud with your room on Big Blue Button.
Login to Next Cloud and Big Blue Button
Locate your video on Next cloud
You may have to convert to mp4 (next cloud has an option for this)
You then need to share the link to the file but add /download?.mp4 to the end.
In this example I am sharing PeertubeLogin.mp4. To make things easier I have added a file with the links in
So in this case I have share url (which is copied) as illustrated
Share the above on Big Blue Button as illustrated in the video (hopefully)
It may seem complex but once you have done this a few times, you get used to it, If you then have a text file (so links are not clickable) you will find it easier to copy / paste the url to the video.
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