Paul Sutton


Blender 4.3 New Features

Blender 4.3 New Features Official Overview

Just sharing this for anyone interested, this was posted about a month ago. Blender is a really powerful programme.

Duration: 27min 58sec



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Charge : Latest Open Movie from Blender

This is the latest movie from the Blender Open Movie Project




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Code Club 5/11/2022

The next Code Club session is on 5th November. We should be able to carry on with Blender, Scratch and other projects.

Code Club Links

I was asked right at the end of the previous session about a homework project to design something that hasn't been invented yet. I came up with the idea that they look at the space industry given we are going back to the Moon and eventually going to Mars.

The following Links may be a useful starting point.


Next session

  • Next Code Club is Saturday 19th November 2022.

Please contact Paignton Library for details.

Photo 2

Photo 3


#CodeClub,#Blender,#Scratch,#RocksAndDiamonds,#Coding, #GameDesign

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Code Club 15/10/2022 Write Up

We had a very quiet session today for some reason. Based on the list of attendees booked I set up 3 computers with blender, then also the teaching PC and projector to play a video introducing Blender.

I did have 3 people attend, they were regulars to Code Club but not booked, nevertheless we had a good session with some scratch and discussions around social media.

Right at the end I had two people arrive who are are now booked on to the next session on the 5th November. I will factor this in and sort out some resources so they can start with module 1 of Scratch and work through the various modules and activities.

As sessions are two hours, this gives ample time to not only complete the activity but also move on to adapting the finished project further.

However I think they have another project in mind so I will look at finding some useful resources for that too.

I also used the time to print off the remaining Data Detox workshop slides so I have all of these printed along with their respective support materials ready for a future session.



#CodeClub,#Blender,#Scratch,#RocksAndDiamonds,#Coding, #GameDesign

Next session

  • Next Code Club is Saturday 5th November 2022.

Please contact Paignton Library for details.

Photo 2

Photo 3

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Code Club 1/10/2022

Carrying on from last session,

We have access to Blender, a 3d graphics package, which can also handle animation etc. There are some good resources for this, so lets see what we can create.

I highly recommand that attendees bring a USB memory stick for saving work / projects. We can't save work to the Library computers, saving work to a cloud service is do-able, but this is sometimes tripped up as due to logging in from a different IP address than normal.

Don't worry we can still do Scratch, HTML / CSS and any of the usual activities.



#CodeClub,#Blender,#Scratch,#RocksAndDiamonds,#Coding, #GameDesign

Next session

  • Next Code Club is Saturday 1st October 2022.
  • Next STEM Group meeting 8/10/2022

Please contact Paignton Library for details.

Photo 2

Photo 3

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Code Club 17/9/2022 Write up

Really good and productive session today. After some initial scratch work, and some Rocks and Diamonds level creation, we moved on to the topic of game design.

As we have access to Blender, a 3d graphics package, which can also handle animation etc. We can hopefully start to look at this as an activity for longer term. A good few of the attendees seem to be interested in learning more about this. So this is a topic for the next code club meeting on 1st October.

I highly recommand that attendees bring a USB memory stick for saving work / projects. We can't save work to the Library computers, saving work to a cloud service is do-able, but this is sometimes tripped up as due to logging in from a different IP address than normal.



#CodeClub,#Blender,#Scratch,#RocksAndDiamonds,#Coding, #GameDesign

Next session

  • Next Code Club is Saturday 1st October 2022.
  • Next STEM Group meeting 8/10/2022

Please contact Paignton Library for details.

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Blender 3 features

In a related post to the Sprite Frigiht video from November 1st,

This video looks at some of the great features in version 3 of Blender.

Looks pretty good, you can follow Blender on the Fediverse with



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Sprite Fright – Open Movie by Blender Studio

Sprite Fright – Open Movie by Blender Studio

This was posted to Mastodon today from Fedi Follows

Video page can be found here


This is great stuff, :)



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Blender Open Movie Project

The Blender Open Movie project archive, now has 10 movies to watch and enjoy. These can be found on the project website.

These are very high quality pieces of work, they also demonstrate how powerful Blender is. This is really good promotion as to what can be achieved with free software.

#blender, #movies, #free, #software, #videos, #animation

You can find me on Friendica at

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