Paul Sutton


Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices

I decided to write this article after reading the Free Software Journey article. This is part of the wider FSF Freedom Ladder

This article cites several projects that address Mobile phone freedom. There are different hardware options here, from dedicated phones running a FreeOS or ways to flash / install an existing phone with a new freedom respecting OS (sorry if the terminology is wrong here).

Android Based


As you can see from the above list there are quite a few options, some are forks of Android, so I assume that Free Software repositories such as F-droid works and can provide a good range of Apps for users. See below as I am trying to find out about this.

However my area of concern is things like the Mastodon Apps It seems the only Freedom respecting app for Mastodon is Tooter, which is available for another OS called SailfishOS, so yet another option, so we have a really good, powerful social media replacement, but it seems rather limited connectivity from mobile devices, (unless you are running IOS or Android).

I don't feel this is very helpful. Sailfish, to its credit does have what looks like a very good section on development. I feel that for these alternatives to really take off, the apps need to be there, and not just in the hands of developers, but end users such as myself. I am not interested in using mainstream social media.

Also we need to make it clear if an app works on other systems that are derived from Android for example. (see below)

So we need several things

  1. More developers for the actual operating systems
    • Help for people wanting to start with development
  2. More development for the hardware
    • Again help for those who want to get involved
  3. Testers, and help for testers
  4. End users to actually use the system
    • Provide a very easy way for non technical people to report problems
    • Community need to LISTEN to concerns, reports and take action
  5. Ensure ALL these apps are available on ALL the different mobile OSs or as many as possible.
    • This will need developers, testers and users being able to come together.


Free Software and Hardware

Working on some ideas

I have created a thread here on Fediverse Town to try and ask for some information on which apps work on which mobile operating systems, so Android and importantly Android derived Operating systems.

I have also split the OS list up, so that the OS's derived from Android are clearly identified.

I am not making the assumption they just work or that they are in F-droid.


31-1-2022 –



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Fosdem 2022

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

Dates: 5 & 6 February 2022 Location: Online




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Tactical Tech Workshop: The Influence Industry

In this free, 1-hour long workshop guided by Gary Wright, learn how data on voters is being collected, traded and how it is utilized to influence and shape political opinions.




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Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

Just completed the above course with OpenWHO. Very interesting and also interesting to learn how complex infection control can be at a practical level.

WHO IPC Certificate

This is a free course, Very useful for anyone who is looking at moving in to Healthcare or related professions.




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PinePhone : Manjaro Lomiri OS

I found this on Mastodon, a review of the Manjaro Lomiri OS by LINux on MOBile

Video can be found here on lbry but can also be viewed on the Mastodon feed.

#mastodon,#video,#PinePhone,#Manjaro,#Lomiri,#OS,#phone, #hardware,#linux,#free,#software,#opensource,#open,#source

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Open Clipart is back.

Open Clipart is a archive of free / creative commons images submitted by a strong community of users. Their website is now back up having been down for a while.

The site is NOT fully working yet.

This will be a really useful resource for images. All images are Creative Commons zero. Please see here for more information.


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I Love Free Software Day

February 14th is not simply valentines day. It is also an opportunity to show your love for free software and thank the world wide community who work hard to develop free software.

I love FS

Four Freedoms

Four Freedoms


#freesoftware, #free, #gnu, #fsf, #fsfe, #4freedoms

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Blender Open Movie Project

The Blender Open Movie project archive, now has 10 movies to watch and enjoy. These can be found on the project website.

These are very high quality pieces of work, they also demonstrate how powerful Blender is. This is really good promotion as to what can be achieved with free software.

#blender, #movies, #free, #software, #videos, #animation

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This blog post has been ported from my old blog site.

If you’re looking for a new online course to take, you’re in luck. 200 universities have launched 620+ free online courses. Here’s the full list, by @dhawalhshah

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This is well worth checking out. All this learning and knowledge is now at the fingertips of everyone which is great for knowledge sharing and improving the skills of many people all over the world.

I was sent this by Free Code Camp New Online Courses

It is fantastic to see, forward thinking learning institutions, offering courses to more students.

#courses, #free, #lowcost, #universities, #colleges, #worldwide,#elearning, #freecodecamp

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I am currently working through another short OpenLearn course. This time I am exploring the constellation of Orion.

Having previously studied other Space science courses, some of the concepts are easier to understand, such as the lifecycle of stars.

Despite understanding the maths behind huge numbers. Distances such as 1 light year are massive : (ly) $$9.5 \times 10^{12} km. $$

The subsequent distance to the Orion Nebula which is 1600 light years. Therefore $$1600 \times 9.5 \times 10^{12} km $$.

I think, that this should be expressed as $$1.6 \times 9.5 \times 10^{15} km $$

Understandably it is difficult to imagine the sort of distances involved.

If you intend to study this course. I would recommend other courses first. Courses such as 'The Sun' may be a good starting point.

I am about ½ way through the second week of the course. Currently looking at the life cycle of a star beyond the main sequence phase, so this includes Red Giants, Brown / White dwarf, Supernova and black holes, or at least how and under what conditions these are formed.

You do need an astronomy package, to help with the course. This comes in more useful, if you don't have clear skies to observe Orion. I have discussed how to use the kstars package to find Orion in post yesterday (30/12/2019).

What I can take from this course, is some inspiration to write some posts about other constellations of the night sky.

References :

It may be beneficial to have a look at these courses before embarking on this longer course:

The Galaxies stars and planets course has a section on the scale of the universe, which is helpful to help you understand very large numbers.

#astronony, #study, #openuniversity, #openlearn, #free, #shortcourse, #orion

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