I love free software day
Today it is I love free software day, a day to celebrate free software and why software freedom is important. I love free software day
Free software does not just mean free as in cost, free software gives us the freedom to Share, Modify, study and use software as we want to. This is important as knowing how software works helps, for example with transparency (what is it actually doing?). By being able to study how it works, having access to the code and the ability to modify we can change the software to our needs, so helps with translations for example. We can then share freely with others passing on that right to others so they, if they choose, can do the same.

What is Free Software ? Explained in 3 minutes
Really good video to explain what free software and the ideas behind the movement.

I love free software day
February 14th is also I love free software day. This is a celebration led by the Free Software Foundation Europe, and a really good opportunity to celebrate and promote free software.


YH4F Year 2
The coding contest Youth Hacking 4 Freedom launches its second edition
The registration for the second edition of “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom ", the FSFE’s hacking competition for teenagers from all over Europe, has started. This contest offers young people aged between 14 and 18 the opportunity to challenge themselves, meet like-minded people and win cash prizes.
More Info
Last years awards ceremony
The six winners for the first edition of YH4F are:
- The Ultimate Hacker Award went to Stavros and his project SignTrack,
- The Elite Hacker Award was awarded to Miquel and his Smart Table
- The Awesome Hacker Award was granted to Artur and his project
- The Ultimate Girl Hacker Award went to Ekaterina for Music Companion,
- The Special Hacker Award: Coming from War Zone was awarded to Mark for
- The Youngest Hacker Award was granted to Héctor for LibreHomework.
More details on last years winners can be found here

YH4F Year 2
The coding contest Youth Hacking 4 Freedom launches its second edition
The registration for the second edition of “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom ", the FSFE’s hacking competition for teenagers from all over Europe, has started. This contest offers young people aged between 14 and 18 the opportunity to challenge themselves, meet like-minded people and win cash prizes.


I love free software day

February 14th is again the annual I love free software day a chance to celebrate free software.
This year the fsfe are planning a gaming event with speakers and a chance to play some great games that are released under the gpl.
Game jam will take place on 14th of February 2022 at 18.00-20:00 CET
Please contact the fsfe for more info, you only need to register if you want to take part in the talks, you can still watch the talks and play the games.
Talks will be streamed and the interactive element of this will be via Big Blue Button.

FSFE Video on Free Software
I just received an e-mail with this, so am sharing here. It is avialble in both English and German from the FSFE peertube instance.

Public Money, Public Code
This is a campaign, by the fsfe. Any code that is developed, with public funds, should be released under a license that makes it available to everyone.
This is the talk from LibrePlanet on PMPC

Alma Linux
AlmaLinux OS Sees First Stable Release as a Drop-In Replacement for CentOS Linux 8 – 9to5Linux

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