Paul Sutton


Skymap – Map of the night sky.

You can download a map of the night sky showing the location of constellations etc, and also a list of what else is visible from sky map

This is available to download at the start of each month for the month ahead.


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Possible Gravitational wave detected by LIGO

This is quoted from a Mastodon post from the MPI for Gravitational Physics

Last night, the two @LIGO detectors observed the second gravitational-wave candidate of the day.

The possible signal with the preliminary designation S250205ee most likely originates – if it is real – from the merger of two black holes.

It occurred at a (luminosity) distance of 9.4 billion light-years.

This brings the total number of significant signal candidates identified in the fourth joint observation run of the international detector network to 190. One (GW230529) has already been fully analyzed and published. The others will also be carefully examined and then published if confirmed.

#GravitationalWaves #S250205ee #O4IsHere #astronomy #astrophysics #BlackHoles #physics

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T Corona Borealis

This was in the news back in the summer, it seems that Astronomers may have a better idea as to when the nova may occur. More details in this BBC Science article

With any luck, the skies may actually be clear enough to see this.



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Dust Battery

More interesting findings about the early universe, I guess some of this makes sense as one of the 4 fundamental forces is Electromagnetic forces.

This research findings are detailed here. So if I understand this correctly, the early universe processes had that were had electrically charged dust particles, these produced magnetic fields as they moved around by the radiation from the 2nd generation of stars.

There is a related paper on arXiv on this research.



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Future space telescopes

Future space telescopes could be made from thin membranes, unrolled in space to enormous size

Interesting article on the future of space telescopes so the idea seems interesting as it allows deployment of large telescopes in space quickly.

The JWST is 6.5 meters, the ELT is 39 meters (ground based) as the JWST is foldable then the technology is already there.

This could offer some real opportunity to make strides forward, as we have seen with the JWST. Larger telescopes allow for the collection of more light, I would guess that telescopes can be built to collect different light e.g. UV, Visible and IR.

Should be good.



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Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

This is interesting, I will add a link to NICER (see article) to the links page.

Black holes seem really complex, and there is probably much more to learn. It is also worth watching the two videos as a further explainer to the research and the resulting paper.

So this is looking at a black hole, and how it is interacting with a local star trapped within its gravitational pull, As the star is pulled apart, some of the matter becomes a disk around the black hole, however this matter is then also interacting with another star.

If I understand the paper or at least article, this event links tidal disruption events * and quasi-periodic eruptions, helping astronomers understand black hole environments and shape future research

  • The above link is to Wikipedia, as this is NOT an academic source of information, please use a different source, link is for reference only

On an unrelated note, according to the Solar System series by Professor Brian COX, Rings have formed around planets when an object such as an asteroid gets caught in the gravitational pull of the planet, Moons are also objects that have been caught up.

I am not sure if the two phenomenons are related in that stars being ripped apart by a black hole are a similar event, just on a much larger scale.

According to MIT there have been other similar events detailed here




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STSCI Public lecture – Sept 2024

NASA's Next Big Thing: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

Date: Tue 3 Sep 2024 Location: Virtual Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT

**Speaker: **Ori Fox (Space Telescope Science Institute)

More information can be found here

NASA's upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) is readying for launch in late 2026. Roman will be able to survey the sky 1,000 times faster than Hubble. It will collect near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic data with Hubble-quality resolution and sensitivity over fields of view 200 times greater than the Hubble's. Roman's data will enrich all areas of astrophysics by enabling studies of nearly every class of astronomical object, phenomenon, and environment across the observable universe. Dr. Fox will discuss the details of the Roman mission, with a focus on its scientific goals. These exciting studies include the discovery of thousands of new planets and pinpointing the source of a mysterious force called Dark Energy that permeates our Universe.

I will try and share some thoughts on my Matrix Science Room



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A DIY Guide to Supermassive Black Holes

A nice guide posted to the fediverse with a guide to black holes.



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Stsci lectures Feb 2024 update

I have been catching up on these lectures as they are fascinating. The LISA talk was also good as it gave a lot of background information as to the science behind this. Exciting times to come, even though it may be a decade before the mission is launched in to space.

So far I have watched:-




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There are 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe

This is a huge number, I think this something like 40 10^24

or 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Which is according to Scientists is the estimate of the number of black holes in the galaxy. The article on big think is here

This is why we use SI units and express huge numbers in powers. So 10^6 is a million or 1,000,000 for example.

It also makes it easier to multiply together as

10^6 x 1000 = 10^6 x 10^3 = 10^{6+3} = 1,000,000,000 or 10^9



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