Paul Sutton

Personal Blog

Bash scripting 11 – ExifTool menu

I have created a very rough and basic script to :-

  • Display a directory listing (currently this will display only .png and .JPG files.
  • As for a filename
  • Display a menu, so that users can choose which Meta data information to display.
clear # clear display - lets keep things tidy
ls *.png *.JPG #display directory listing png files
echo "Please enter a filename"
read filename
echo "File: " $filename
echo "Menu"
PS3="Select your Option: "

while true; do
    select lng in All ImageSize FileSize PixelSize ClearScreen Quit
        case $lng in
                exiftool $filename; break;;
               exiftool -s -ImageSize $filename; break;;
              exiftool -s -FileSize $filename;break;;
                exiftool -s -Megapixels $filename;break;;
               echo "We're done"; break 2;;
               echo "Ooops"; break ;;

It is a little rough around the edges, but it works, and there is, of course, room for improvement.



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Super Bowl LIX

Super Bowl LIX

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Kick Off: 23:30 GMT

Location:  1500 Sugar Bowl Drive, New Orleans LA

Teams: Kansas City Chiefs vs Philadelphia Eagles

Halftime Performer: Kendrick Lamar

BBC Article

How to watch in the UK

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Blacks in Cyber Security CFP

Call for Papers is NOW OPEN!


#BlacksInCyber #BICVillage #BICV #DEFCON #DEFCON33 #CyberSecurity

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Possible Gravitational wave detected by LIGO

This is quoted from a Mastodon post from the MPI for Gravitational Physics

Last night, the two @LIGO detectors observed the second gravitational-wave candidate of the day.

The possible signal with the preliminary designation S250205ee most likely originates – if it is real – from the merger of two black holes.

It occurred at a (luminosity) distance of 9.4 billion light-years.

This brings the total number of significant signal candidates identified in the fourth joint observation run of the international detector network to 190. One (GW230529) has already been fully analyzed and published. The others will also be carefully examined and then published if confirmed.

#GravitationalWaves #S250205ee #O4IsHere #astronomy #astrophysics #BlackHoles #physics

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How is this NOT ethnic Cleansing

Donald Trump wants to remove the people of Gaza and relocate them elsewhere, Trump wants US to 'take over' Gaza and own it 'long term', with Palestinians resettled

Perhaps someone can explain how this is NOT ethnic cleansing

  1. Wikipedia – Ethnic Cleansing
  2. Britannica – Ethnic Cleansing

I will leave this with people.

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Hydrogen Balloon 3

I am working on a follow-up to the Hydrogen Balloon.

I have so far taken a conical flask, glass tube, rubber tube and a beaker which is half full of water. The idea being the reaction takes place in the flask, and the Hydrogen is passed in to the beaker to show the gas has been transferred.

As with most things, it is a case of trial and error, when developing what you are doing.

The set-up is similar to below




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Tinkerers Meeting – Feb 2025

The next meeting of the Tor bay Tinkerers group will be on Saturday 22nd February 2025. Please see their website for more details and a write-up of the May Meeting.

We meet at:-

STEAM Cafe, 13 Torbay Road 11am to 13:00

Possible topics



Tinkerers poster 2025



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Trudeau response to Trump tariffs

This is excellent and speaks for itself.

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Safer Internet Day 2025

This year, Safer Internet Day 2025 takes place on the 11th February 2025

The theme for this year is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘



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