Updating Mastodon Presentation


I last updated my Mastodon Presentation in 2020, I have been working on a new version using Overleaf and the LaTeX typesetting system.

I have tried to make sure it is clear what both the Fediverse is, what Mastodon is and how Mastodon fits within the Fediverse.

The old version, written in LibreOffice Inpress is here.

The new version is here

New version uses

You can clone this in the usual way

git clone https://salsa.debian.org/zleap-guest/mastodonpresentation2024

I am still not very good at using git, and there is little in the way of support within Torbay at the moment.


Work released under creative commons. Please feel free to clone and fork so it works for you and how you would like to promote Fedi and Mastodon.


Please see contact page.



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