Paul Sutton


Updating Mastodon Presentation


I last updated my Mastodon Presentation in 2020, I have been working on a new version using Overleaf and the LaTeX typesetting system.

I have tried to make sure it is clear what both the Fediverse is, what Mastodon is and how Mastodon fits within the Fediverse.

The old version, written in LibreOffice Inpress is here.

The new version is here

New version uses

  • Overleaf Online editor
  • LaTex + Beamer
  • External assets e.g graphics
  • main.tex

You can clone this in the usual way

git clone

I am still not very good at using git, and there is little in the way of support within Torbay at the moment.


Work released under creative commons. Please feel free to clone and fork so it works for you and how you would like to promote Fedi and Mastodon.


Please see contact page.



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Open Invention Network

Also found on Mastodon

Open Invention Network, the organization formed to safeguard open source software and now the largest patent non-aggression community in history, announced today that U.S. Bank has joined as a community member" U.S. Bank Joins the Open Invention Network - Open Invention Network



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LP conference review

I spent the weekend at LibrePlanet, virtual free software conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation.

I was also a volunteer, moderating both IRC and Mumble chat.

Lots of great talks, conversation and advocacy. Lots of fun activities such as a virtual LibreAdventure conference, which let you walk around a virtual world and interact with other attendees, oh and not forgetting a Minetest server set up.

I caught the talk on Libre GPU hardware on Saturday and the talk on Public Money, Public Code too, Free software in Education and getting tasks done with Free Software. Will catch up with the others once they are up in a few days time.


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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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LibrePlanet 2021

March 20/21 2021

First keynote: Julia Reda, former EU Parliament member, known for her work on copyright reform and net neutrality.


#LibrePlanet,#FSF,#FreeSoftware,#Conference,#Virtual, #Talks,#Workshop,#Help,#Advocacy

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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LibrePlanet 2021 – Schedule

March 20th & 21 2021

The Libreplanet schedule has now been released and can be found here


#LibrePlanet,#FSF,#FreeSoftware,#Conference,#Virtual, #Talks,#Workshop,#Help,#Advocacy,#Schedule

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Fediverse Flyers

NEW VERSIONS 24/2/2021

These flyers are available in two versions of the flyer There is a US English and an Australia / en-gb version.



Currently all files, including the source svg are stored in a qoto gitlab repository

Source file made in #Inkscape, and features alternate content, such as a #BugBounty (for those who wish to offer a compensation to any person who find, and fixes of course, major security flaws in selected fediverse infrastructures) and more. Please see note on BugBounty further down.

DESIGN : DSFGS LICENSE: Creative Commons( ShareAlike Attribution licensed work by DSFGS

So this means you can share and translate the files yourself and even adapt and improve it! Of course, ShareAlike means the message and spirit of the piece cannot be changed."



#YearOfTheFediverse,#Fediverse,#Promotion,#Advocacy, #Flyer,#InkScape,#CreativeCommons,#CCBYSA4


At this time DSFGS doesn't recommend people advertise that that are offering a BugBounty in cryptocurrency online. Knowledge of the BugBounty can to be restricted to the physical flyer with a link to the provider's online presence. This provides some 'security by obscurity'. Not a recommended form of security, of course, but it adds up. An entrant would do well double-check that the provider really is offering the BugBounty, in a DM for example.

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Advocacy – The barriers to effective promotion

I have just tried to follow some links at the following site

If I click 2020 and follow the link to then I get a page that gives me the date for 2018 (so kinda out of date)


The link for hardware freedom day goes to so it seems some of the links just go back on themselves. Not really helpful.

On the tab for 2020 there is no direct link to software freedom day.

I am happy to promote all this, but unless people can find what they expect they will just stick to what they are using now and go away with a really negative idea of what this is about.

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Stickers like this and another one are great for advocacy, but useless if they link to outdated information.

I just find it very frustrating, and people will point out to us that they don't get this with Microsoft.

This is what we are up against. I feel that we just need to be far more effective, update information and ensure it is kept up to date.


#freedom, #softeware, #hardware, #documents, #promotion, #advocacy, #barriers,

You can find me on Friendica at

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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