Paul Sutton


TeX Live 2025

Tex Live is due for release today, 8th March 2025. Please see their website for updates.

This will no longer fit on a standard size DVD (4.7gb) you can create a USB stick from the image. If possible please try and use a torrent client as this reduces the pressure on the HTTP servers.

Torrents now available

Please follow TeX User's Group on Mastodon for updates.



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Overleaf Webinar write up from 09/7/2020

I attended another Webinar presented by Overleaf, the cloud based, collaborative text editor.

This webinar focused on “Organizing and Managing your Overleaf Projects”.

Again really well presented and it covered project ownership, and the rights this gives you, e.g you can't rename a project that has been shared with you.

Also covered folders and tags, the differences between project archiving and deletion. Along with more about what is found on the dashboard, searching for projects for example. Well worth taking a look at in the previous webinar recordings.

In the meantime there is a TUG virtual conference near the end of July (24th –> 26th). Please see link below for details.

Next webinar

The next Webinar is on 30th July and will cover How to Create Professional Looking Documents In-House.


#Overleaf,#LaTeX,#Webinar,#organise,#project,#management, #typesetting,#document,#documents

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Advocacy – The barriers to effective promotion

I have just tried to follow some links at the following site

If I click 2020 and follow the link to then I get a page that gives me the date for 2018 (so kinda out of date)


The link for hardware freedom day goes to so it seems some of the links just go back on themselves. Not really helpful.

On the tab for 2020 there is no direct link to software freedom day.

I am happy to promote all this, but unless people can find what they expect they will just stick to what they are using now and go away with a really negative idea of what this is about.

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Stickers like this and another one are great for advocacy, but useless if they link to outdated information.

I just find it very frustrating, and people will point out to us that they don't get this with Microsoft.

This is what we are up against. I feel that we just need to be far more effective, update information and ensure it is kept up to date.


#freedom, #softeware, #hardware, #documents, #promotion, #advocacy, #barriers,

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$\LaTeX$ Letters

In Overleaf, I have used a template letter file with an empty letter body area (or at least minimal). Copying this to a new file, keeps the original body empty for new files.

I have also created letters and letters-sent folders. This helps keep track of which letters are work in progress and which letters have been sent.

Once saved as pdf you can also attach to a e-mail if you wish to send a letter that way.

Use % at the start of a line (for example for the enclosures) to make the line a comment, if you are enclosing anything this can be put back in by removing the % from the start.

Using % makes that line a comment

$\LaTeX$ templates is a really useful website has templates that can help get you started.

I actually feel fairly confident that I could teach or run small workshops to introduce $\LaTeX$ to students but would expect to be paid.

#LaTeX, #typesetting, #documents, #text, #wysiwym, #sharelatex, #overleaf, #ctan, #texstudio, #templates, #letters

You can find me on Friendica at

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