Paul Sutton


TeX Live 2025

Tex Live is due for release today, 8th March 2025. Please see their website for updates.

This will no longer fit on a standard size DVD (4.7gb) you can create a USB stick from the image. If possible please try and use a torrent client as this reduces the pressure on the HTTP servers.

Torrents now available

Please follow TeX User's Group on Mastodon for updates.



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TeX Live 2024

TeX Live 2024 is now available. This is the latest release of the popular LaTeX typesetting system, software, related software, packages, documentation and other related materials and components.

Please give it a day or so, so that mirrors can be populated etc.




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TeX Live 2023

TeX Live 2023 is should now be available. This is the latest release of the popular LaTeX typesetting system, software, related software, packages, documentation and other related materials and components.

Please give it a day or so, so that mirrors can be populated etc.




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TeX Live 2022

TeX Live 2022 is now available. This is the latest release of the popular LaTeX typesetting system, software, related software, packages, documentation and other related material(s).

Please give it a day or so, so that mirrors can be populated etc.

I will have a copy available at the next Paignton Library STEM Group on April 9th. The CTAN resources are useful, even if you are using websites such as Overleaf.


Free Software and Hardware



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Tex Live 2021

TeX live 2021 is currently available.



#LaTeX,#TeXLive,#Release,#TypeSetting,#CTAN,#Overleaf, #TeXStudio,#Forum

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Tex Live 2021

TeX live 2021 is currently available. I am downloading the iso file via torrent. This also, hopefully helps with distribution.



#LaTeX,#TeXLive,#Release,#TypeSetting,#CTAN,#Overleaf, #TeXStudio,#Forum

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Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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TeX Live Road Map

Posting this, for anyone interested in the 2021 TeXLive Roadmap to release.

TeX Live is intended to be a straightforward way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, macOS, and also Windows. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. Many operating systems provide it via their own distributions. 

Read more

Plan for TeX Live 2021:
15feb: candidate/final sources committed, test builds begin.
28feb: tlnet (and TL'20) frozen, tlpretest starts, CTAN updates continue there.
15mar: code freeze for final build, major bug fixes only.
27mar: final updates from CTAN, final doc tweaks.
29mar: deliver TL image for TeX Collection packaging/testing.
5apr: deliver TeX Collection DVD image for manufacturing.
10apr: public release (also of MacTeX).
June?: delivery of DVDs to members. 

#texlive,#latex,#roadmap,release2021,#ctan,#typesetting, #packages,#install,#mactex,#windows,#linux,#document, #creation

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