FreeBSD 1
Further to my post on Vultures-eye earlier . I spent some time last night installing FreeBSD with the view to getting the game working. The page on freshports.
I also joined #freebsd on to ask for any help.
Once I had downloaded the ISO file and created an install DVD. I set about installing it. Text based installer is easy to use. Very similar to Slackware.
Once installed, I set about installing nethack with the package manager. (pkg install <packagename ) Once installed I realised that I probably need to run this through X.
I then set about installing X11 on the target netbook. This was painless, once installed started X11 with startx then ran the vulture-nethack game
Worth noting the config file can be found in /usr/home/user/.vulture
You may want to:
Change the game window size
Turn off music if you want to play the game and :-
- watch a video
- listen to other music.
The game worked fine, so I can get back to playing again.
The only issue I did seem to have was setting up a normal user account, this failed during the install process, not quite sure why, but I just added a new user with adduser from the root prompt. One thing to note about BSD is the user home director is in a different place. But that much different to under Linux.
I also installed prboom which is a free Doom game.
Given that I have never actually touched BSD at all. The ease of use is down to the great work of the developer team(s).
FreeBSD Handbook
#freebsd, #unix, #nethack, #technology, #computing, #irc, #freenode, #support, #install, #configure, #x11, #setup, #netbook
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