Paul Sutton


Basic hexchat setup

Hexchat is a GUI client for Internet Relay Chat, this is still very popular despite it's age.

This video shows how to connect to the Freenode network but does not cover how to set your account up.

Once you have chosen a nickname and connected you should register your nickname with nickserv, then ID.

Further information on this can be found in the freenode knowedge base


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Freenode IRC – Information

If you are using a software client it is recommended that you use SSL and connect via SASL . Information can be found here Please see screenshot below for illustration.

You will need to have registered your nickname (username) before hand, once done you can set the client to connect via SASL. Please see the Knowledge base


If you are going to be on IRC on a regular basis you may want to autojoin channels. (not that being IDs is a prerequisite for some channels) You can do this by right clicking on the channel list and select autojoin.

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FreeBSD 1

Further to my post on Vultures-eye earlier . I spent some time last night installing FreeBSD with the view to getting the game working. The page on freshports.

I also joined #freebsd on to ask for any help.

Once I had downloaded the ISO file and created an install DVD. I set about installing it. Text based installer is easy to use. Very similar to Slackware.

Once installed, I set about installing nethack with the package manager. (pkg install <packagename ) Once installed I realised that I probably need to run this through X.

I then set about installing X11 on the target netbook. This was painless, once installed started X11 with startx then ran the vulture-nethack game

Worth noting the config file can be found in /usr/home/user/.vulture as: vulture.conf

You may want to: Change the game window size Turn off music if you want to play the game and :-

  • watch a video
  • listen to other music.

The game worked fine, so I can get back to playing again.

The only issue I did seem to have was setting up a normal user account, this failed during the install process, not quite sure why, but I just added a new user with adduser from the root prompt. One thing to note about BSD is the user home director is in a different place. But that much different to under Linux.

I also installed prboom which is a free Doom game.

Given that I have never actually touched BSD at all. The ease of use is down to the great work of the developer team(s).

FreeBSD Handbook

#freebsd, #unix, #nethack, #technology, #computing, #irc, #freenode, #support, #install, #configure, #x11, #setup, #netbook

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KSTARS is a Linux based astronomy package. For a free software package it has a lot of features and downloadable catalogues of stellar objects.

When you first load up the package you may want to view the constellation lines. I worked out how to do this, but am including some info below to help users change the line colour from the default light grey as it may be easier for people to see the lines.

If you click on Settings (menu) —> configure —> guides

You should get the following

constellation lines

I have checked the boxes to constellation:-

  • lines
  • boundaries.
  • names

If you then click on the colours tab at the side

constellation colours

I have set the colour to yellow. This does stand out, probably a little too much. However you can set it to the colour of your choosing or leave as the default grey.

colour picker

The end result of this is (download):

Hope this helps

#software, #astronomy, #science, #kde, #linux, #freesoftware, #setup, #configuration, #constellation, #linecolor, #boundaries, #names.

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