Science Evidence
As part of chemistry week 2024, I am sharing a few infographics from the Compound Interest website
Today we look at Evidence in Science. This is more general to science, but it is important to understand the science processes in research.

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Critical thinking
As it is science week, I am just reposting this.

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British science week
British Science Week starts today and runs from 7th to 16th March 2025. This year's theme is adapt and change.
This seems rather apt given yesterday's post on H5N1 jumping species.
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Arctic Sea Ice and Extreme Weather Events
Research looking at the relationship with Arctic Sea Ice and extreme weather. The main graphic shows how as sea ice level has fallen, temperatures have risen.
We know that everything is linked, and our climate seems to be a fine balance, creating the right conditions for life to exist. Human activity is impacting this and more so since industrialisation, and the increased CO_2 emissions this has caused.
So this research is important, it is also peer-reviewed and has links and references to other related research. I am including the Starlink article in the list of links, as the damage to the atmosphere from this are also well documented.
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Collapse of key Atlantic current
So, further to my previous post on this topic, Professor Stefan Rahmstorf has written an article for Livescience suggesting that the collapse is no longer a low probability. You can read the article here
Take from this what you want, but it is imperative do something, the recent floods in Valancia Spain highlight extreme weather.
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC),
#Science,#Climate,#AMOC,#Atlantic,#Currents,#AtlanticCurrent,#Collapse,#ClimateSciance,#ScienceandTechnology #ClimateChange #EarthSciences #AcademicResearch #EnvironmentalImpact #JanoGibson
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H5N1 Update: February 28
Slight delay to this, due to other posts being scheduled. I feel it is important to share as it seems unreported by mainstream media. H5N1 is spreading and according to the Epidemiology (Look it up) seems to be able to jump species.
Also sharing without the tracking, which is not needed.
Given the current US policies and health, science, vaccines this is very worrying too.
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American anti science
CDC Staff Prohibited From Co-Authoring Papers With World Health Organization Personnel
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been prohibited from co-authoring publications with World Health Organization staff, dealing a blow to global research efforts and continuing the Trump administration’s aggressive attack on government-funded science. [1]
This is really not good, collaboration is really important for research. Why can't Trump and Co see this. ??
In other related news
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USA – Lead in Drinking Water
The US EPA (Environment Protection Agency) have rules on Lead in Drinking Water, it seems that the 'House Republican moves to block new EPA rule on lead in drinking water'
A new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule aimed at reducing lead in drinking water faces a challenge from Rep. Gary Palmer ((R-Ala.), who introduced a resolution to overturn it using the Congressional Review Act. - **cite above link.**
For general reference, the UK government has information on Toxicology of Lead in drinking water
This is yet more evidence of how ridiculous the current US government is, this sort of thing impacts ALL AMERICANS
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Plastic Straws
In another step backwards, Trump signs an order shifting US back toward plastic straws. This is despite evidence with regard to the damage microplastics have and are doing to our natural world.
There are numerous articles on Science daily about Microplastics, citing ACTUAL science and research.
While this is an executive order, it still needs to go through the congress to pass. The fact this is even being done should be a cause for concern.
Related research article
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Exoplanet research
Temperamental stars are distorting our view of distant planets
Interesting research looking at some interesting issues faced when using transits to find planets around stars. We know the transit causes starlight to dim, from the viewpoint of the observer. However, according to this research, so does changes to the star, hot and cold regions and how this impacts star brightness could be impacting how we detect planets.
The article can be found here on Science Daily. There is an article on transits on the NASA website.
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