Exoplanet research
Temperamental stars are distorting our view of distant planets
Interesting research looking at some interesting issues faced when using transits to find planets around stars. We know the transit causes starlight to dim, from the viewpoint of the observer. However, according to this research, so does changes to the star, hot and cold regions and how this impacts star brightness could be impacting how we detect planets.
The article can be found here on Science Daily. There is an article on transits on the NASA website.
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Exoplanets Transit simulator
This was posted to Mastodon by Dr. Alexandre Santerne. Just had a go and it looks really nice and smooth, and has few options to change the simulation parameters.
Do you know how #astronomers are hunting for #exoplanets ? Most of them are discovered with the transit and/or radial velocity techniques.
We developed at #LAM (#laboratoire d'#astrophysique de #Marseille) a web tool that simulate an #exoplanet and show you their photometric and radial velocity signals. Feel free to play with the parameters and see how they change the signals.
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