Exoplanets Transit simulator

This was posted to Mastodon by Dr. Alexandre Santerne. Just had a go and it looks really nice and smooth, and has few options to change the simulation parameters.

Do you know how #astronomers are hunting for #exoplanets ? Most of them are discovered with the transit and/or radial velocity techniques.

We developed at #LAM (#laboratoire d'#astrophysique de #Marseille) a web tool that simulate an #exoplanet and show you their photometric and radial velocity signals. Feel free to play with the parameters and see how they change the signals.



#Exoplanet,#Astronomy,#Astrophysics,#Marselle,#Simulator,#Transit, #Stars,#Star,#Exoplanet,#Spectra,#AbsorbtionSpectra,#EmissionSpectra

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