Just making a post on this, as it may also be of interest to others looking at related careers. Sounds a good opportunity to get some great training in this field.
SMRs are defined as small nuclear reactors with a maximum output of 300 Megawatt electric (MWe) and can produce 7.2 million kWh per day. By comparison, large-size nuclear power plants have an output of over 1,000 MWe and can produce 24 million kWh per day. SMRs can vary in size from around 20 megawatts electric (MWe) up to 300 MWe and can use a range of possible coolants including light water, liquid metal or molten salt, depending on the technology.
A post on Fedi, highlights the EU support for Small Module reactors @Energy4Europe
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Centrica who own British gas have announced huge profits. This is at a time when costs of food and everything are rising, people are having to choose between heating homes and eating a good meal.
Discussions on bonus payments have been delayed, with prices set to rise in April taxpayers are facing fuel price rises and more tax payers money being used to help people pay fuel bills.
Profits before people, this is going to result in a huge backlash at some point, which can't come soon enough.
We can't keep blaming the war in Ukraine for this, it us pure greed, especially as we apparently only get about 3% of our gas from Russia anyway.
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Breakthrough in nuclear fusion
Breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy announced
This was on the BBC website, looks like a major breakthrough, not sure if the fossil fuel companies will be happy about this. A major step forward in producing clean energy using nuclear fusion. We can discuss further on either Mastodon or Science forums.
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UK Nuclear fusion plant
Nuclear fusion plant to be built at West Burton A power station.
This sounds like a really exciting development and should hopefully help the UK take the lead in a clean and sustainable energy resource.
This is also an excellent reason, regardless of where you live to study STEM. While this plant is not due to start until 2040. This is only 18 years away, so if you are heading in to year 7, then by the time you have obtained a post graduate or other hi-tech qualification you should be employable within this industry.
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The UK Prime minister recently announced that the ban on Fracking will be lifted [1]. I was going to ask about this on Science forums, however I found an existing discussion on Science forums [2]. It should be possible to link this discussion to others to look at the wider topic.
There are clearly several issues surrounding this topic, and arguments for & against, it is important to get a clear picture and seek evidence based facts. I have included a link to Ask for Evidence [3] for completeness and to help people with further research.
I downloaded the paper from the discussion so will read offline.
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New Supercollider
Just had this from Symmetry Magazine [1], an article, discussing the plans for the new super collider [2]. Which will open up a whole new set of discoveries (well hopefully anyway). This could make a good discussion on Discourse [3] so I have added a new topic to discuss further [4]. If you are interested in studying physics then maybe try the Open University [5] or to learn more about the Large Hadron Collider see the CERN page on this [6].
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