Paul Sutton



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A #AbsorbtionSpectra #Abuse #Academy #Activism #Adenine #Afghanistan #Africa #Alphablocks #AMES #AminoAcid #AmnestyInternational #AMOC #Analytics #apg #Api #Apt #Aptitude #AralBalkan #Archaeology #Arduino #ARM #Artemis #arXiv #Assembler #AstroBiology #AstroChemistry #Astronify #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Atlantic #AtomicStructure B #BlueGhost #bash #BASH #BASHShell #BatchProcessing #Beamer #BepiColombo #better #BibTeX #BigBluButton #BigOil #BioChemistry #Biology #BioMass #Blender #Blog #Bonfire #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #Browser #Bullseye #Buster C #Castopod #Charity #Chat #Chemistry #Chrome #Chromium #Climate #Code #CodeClub #Coding #Commons #Conditions #Conference #Console #Cornwall #Corona #CoronaVirus #Cosmology #Covid19 #cpd #CPD #Creative #CreativeCommons #CreativeEducation #CriticalThinking #CrudeOil #Cryptpad #Crystal #CTAN #CyberSecurity #Cytosine D #DarkMatter #Data #DBS #dcglug #dclug #Debconf #Debian #Decentralised #Decentralized #DeepLearning #Derived #Detox #Development #Devon #Diaspora #Digital #DiodeZone #Discussions #disroot #Disroot #dna #DNA #Docker #Documentation #Donate #Donation #Draft #DRM #Drupal E #Editing #Education #EdX #Electronics #Elements #emacs #Email #EmissionSpectra #Employment #Energy #EnergySavingWeek #Engine #Engine #ESA #Ethics #Ethiopia #EventManagement #Events #EveryonesInvited #Exoplanet #Exploration F #FalconsEye #Federated #Fediverse #Firefox #Flockingbird #Football #FootBall #Fosdem #FOSSandCrafts #FossileFuels #Foundation #Framablog #FramaBlog #Framework #FreeBSD #FreeBSD #Freedom #FreeSoftware #Friendica #Friendica #FSF #FSFE #Funkwhale #Fusion #FutureLearn G #Galaxy #Galculator #GameEngine #Games #Games #Gamma #GDPR #GettingStarted #Ghostreply #Gimp #Git #Gitlab #GitLab #gm #GNOME #GNU #GnuSocial #GoAccess #GoatCounter #GoDot #gold #GPL #GraphicsMagick #Greek #Guanine #GUI H #Hack #HackerPublicRadio #Hacking #Hardware #Hexchat #HomeChemistry #HomeChemistry1 #HomeChemistry10 #HomeChemistry11 #HomeChemistry12 #HomeChemistry13 #HomeChemistry14 #HomeChemistry15 #HomeChemistry16 #HomeChemistry17 #HomeChemistry18 #HomeChemistry2 #HomeChemistry3 #HomeChemistry4 #HomeChemistry5 #HomeChemistry6 #HomeChemistry7 #HomeChemistry8 #HomeChemistry9 #Hosting #HPR #htop #Hubble #Hubzilla #HumanRights #Hypothesis I #Image #ImageManipulation #Index #InfoGraphic #information #Inkscape #Invidious #IRC J #JamesWebb #Jitsi #JoeEditor #jpl #JPL #Jupyter #JupyterNotebook #JWST K #Kanban #kbin #KCSIE #KDE #KeepingChildrenSafeinEducation, #Kenya #kstars L #LaTeX #Law #Learning #Lecture #Legal #Legislation #Lemmy #LGPL #LiberaPay #Libre #LibreAdventure #LibreLounge #Librem #Libreoffice #LibreOffice #LibreOfficeCalc #LibreOfficeDraw #LibreOfficeGettingStarted #LibreOfficeImpres #LibreOfficeWriter #LibrePlanet #Linux #LinuxMint #Lua #Luanti #Luanti #LXDE #Lynx M #Magnesium #Management #Manganese #Map #Mapscii #Mars #Mastodon #Materials #Matomo #Matrix #Maya #Meeting #Meetings #mercury #Mercury #Meta #mining #Misskey #mobile #Mobile #Mobilizon #Mobilizon #MolarSolutionCalculator #Moon N #NaCl #Nano #NationsLeague #Nebula #NetHack #network #NewSkillsAcademy #Nextcloud #NFL #NGINX #Nuclear #NuclearFusion #Nucleobases #NASA O #Ocean #Oil #OilProducts #Online #Online #OnlineSafetyBill #Open #OpenData #OpenLearn #OpenStreetMap #OpenUniversity #Orbitals #OU #Overleaf #Owncast #OwnCloud P #Package #Parker #PaigntonLibrarySTEMGroup #Pandas #Paper #ParticlePhysics #Particles #Password #Payment #Paypal #PDF #PeerTube #PeriodicTable #Phonics #Photo #Photograph #Photographs #Photos #Physics #pinebook #pinephone #PixelFed #Planet #Plausible #Pleroma #Plume #Podcast #PowderToy #Privacy #Production #Products #Programming #ProtoSchool #Public #Purism #Python #Python3 Q #Quark #Quarks R #RadioAstronomy #Reading #Recovery #RedBubble #RedCabbage #Research #Rights #RISC #RISCV #rna #RNA #RocksAndDiamonds #Rookie #RookieCamp #Rust S #Safeguarding #SaferInternetDay #Safety #Salt #Schools #Science #Science #ScienceDaily #Scismic #Scratch #Scratch2 #Scratch3 #SDTJ #Seagl #Security #Simulator #Sitejs #Skymaps #smallweb #Soccer #Social #SocialHome #SocialHub #SodiumChloride #Solarus #Solid #SouthDevonTechJam #Space #Stars #Stellarium #Stickers #Stripe #stsci #Symmetry #Synaptic T #Tailings #Talk #Teaching #TeachingAssistant #Techlearningcollective #Telescope #Terminal #Terms #TeX #TextEditor #TheOpenUniversity #Theory #TheOU #Thesis #Thunar #Thunderbird #Thymine #Tilde #Toot #Top #Topic #Torbay #TorbayTrojans #Transit #Translation #Trojans #Trunk #Tuxiversity U #Ulytsheavy #Umami #UN #UnitedKingdom #UnitedNations #UniverseOfLearning #Uracil #Use #users V #Vaccine #Virgo #VLC #VokoScreen #Volunteer #Volunteering #VultureNethack #vultureseye W #Warming #wayland #weatherinfo #Website #WhiteVinegar #wicd #wireless #Wordpress #Work #WorldCup #WorldSpaceWeek #Wormhole #Write freely #Writing X #Xchat #XenonLamp #XFCE #XFCE4 #XMPP #xorg #Xournal #xray Y #YearOfTheFediverse Z #Zoo

The Universe is Broken

This is an interesting podcast from Awesome Astronomy looking at a how a recent James Webb telescope discovery could force us to re-write what we know about the evolution of the universe.

Dicuss further on Fedi or on Science Forums



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James Webb Update 6/9/2022

Latest image from the James Webb Telescope, Tarantula Nebula



#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb,#Image,#DistantWorld

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James Webb Update 1/9/2022

Latest image from the James Webb Telescope is the first image of a distant world taken by the telescope. The first of many that will hopefully be taken over the coming years.



#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb,#Image,#DistantWorld

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James Webb Update 19/7/2022

The first set of images from the JWST were really impressive. Hopefully we will get more shortly. So check the website on a regular basis for updates. At the next STEM Group meeting, we are aiming to have a JWST theme, with a recording of the August Space Telescope Science Institute lecture.

1 2 JWST Tracker 2a. BBC Article 11/7/2022 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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James Webb Update 11/7/2022

Latest update from the James Webb Space Telescope. The first images will be sent tomorrow, 12/7/2022. The team are super excited about this, now the science can start.

President Biden will reveal first image at 21:00 on 11/July/2022

1 2 JWST Tracker 2a. BBC Article 11/7/2022 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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James Webb Update 3/5/2022

Latest update from the James Webb Space Telescope.

1 2 JWST Tracker 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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James Webb Update 1/4/2022

The telescope is now in the process of Webb is Cooling and Aligning Mirrors.

Lets discuss more at the next Paignton Library STEM group meeting.

I have added a link to a discourse discussion [3] Along with a link to my Tuxiversity forum to discuss Astronomy / Science related courses. [4].

The JWST mission could be a good topic at the Paignton Library STEM group [5] on 9th April.

1 More info @ 2 JWST Tracker 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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James Webb Update 16/1/2022

The JWST is fully deployed, at time of writing this it is 89 percent of the way to its L2 destination.

Mirror segment deployment is now in progress, this can be tracked via the link below.

Update 16/1/2022

Lets discuss more at the next Paignton Library STEM group meeting.

I have added a link to a discourse discussion [3] Along with a link to my Tuxiversity forum to discuss Astronomy / Science related courses. [4].

The JWST mission could be a good topic at the Paignton Library STEM group [5] on 12th February.

1 More info @ 2 JWST Tracker 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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James Webb Launch 11/1/2022

The JWST launched on Christmas day 2021. The Launch and full deployment has gone as planned. Now starts the process of calibration and other tests etc before the science can start.

Lets discuss more at the next Paignton Library STEM group meeting

Update 11/1/2022

I have added a link to a discourse discussion [3] Along with a link to my Tuxiversity forum to discuss Astronomy / Science related courses. [4].

The JWST mission could be a good topic at the Paignton Library STEM group [5] on 12th February.

1 More info @ 2 JWST Tracker 3 Discourse Discussion 4. Tuxiversity Forum 5. Paignton Library STEM Group

#NASA #JWST #Telescope #Astronomy,#JamesWebb

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