Paul Sutton



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Astronomy Dec 2021

There are some really good resources out there for Amateur and professional astronomy enthusiasts. Two such websites are listed below.

I have also linked in the tags below so those links should bring up previous posts on this topic.

Skymaps provides a downloadable map, along with monthly events list and also a list of what can be seen, along with the distance to these objects.




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Astronomy Nov 2021

There are some really good resources out there for Amateur and professional astronomy enthusiasts. Two such websites are listed below.

I have also linked in the tags below so those links should bring up previous posts on this topic.

Skymaps provides a downloadable map, along with monthly events list and also a list of what can be seen, along with the distance to these objects.




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Cassiopeia is a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. In this article I hope to cover some of the interesting objects that can be found in this region of space.

The constellation is recognisable from the fact it has a W shape. Cassiopeia can be found near to Perseus and Andromeda.

You can download a starmap (taken from Kstars) here

For the purpose of this article I will be using the K-stars package.

Principle Stars These appear in Kstars. I have set the software to display objects fainter than Magnitude (m) 5.0.

  • Caph (2.3m)
  • Schedar (2.3m)
  • Navi (2.2m)
  • Ruchbah (2.7m)
  • Segib (3.3m)

Other Stars

$\eta$ Cassiopeiae (3.5m) $\zeta$ Cassiopeiae (3.7m) $\kappa$ Cassiopeiae (4.2m) $\theta$ Cassiopeiae (4.3m) $\nu$ Cassiopeiae (1) (3.5m) $\nu$ Cassiopeiae (2) (4.7m) $\iota$ Cassiopeiae (4.6m) $\omega$ Cassiopeiae (4.9m) $\psi$ Cassiopeiae (4.8m) $\pi$ Cassiopeiae (5.0m) $\xi$ Cassiopeiae (4.8m) $\lambda$ Cassiopeiae (4.7m) $\rho$ Cassiopeiae (4.6m) $\sigma$ Cassiopeiae (5.0m) $\varphi$ Cassiopeiae (5.1m) $\chi$ Cassiopeiae (4.8m) $\mu$ Cassiopeiae (5.2m)

Data from Kstars application.

The constellation also has many objects such as open clusters.

The Owl Cluster (NGC 457) is close to the star $\varphi$ Cassiopeiae.

There are no galaxies within the constellation but star $\zeta$ Cassiopeiae (3.7m) appears to be the closest to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31).

You can see the milkyway behind the constellation. This could explain the number of open clusters in the region. However this is more speculation as I am not an expert on this.

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#astronony, #constellation, #Cassiopeia, #kstars

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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KSTARS is a Linux based astronomy package. For a free software package it has a lot of features and downloadable catalogues of stellar objects.

When you first load up the package you may want to view the constellation lines. I worked out how to do this, but am including some info below to help users change the line colour from the default light grey as it may be easier for people to see the lines.

If you click on Settings (menu) —> configure —> guides

You should get the following

constellation lines

I have checked the boxes to constellation:-

  • lines
  • boundaries.
  • names

If you then click on the colours tab at the side

constellation colours

I have set the colour to yellow. This does stand out, probably a little too much. However you can set it to the colour of your choosing or leave as the default grey.

colour picker

The end result of this is (download):

Hope this helps

#software, #astronomy, #science, #kde, #linux, #freesoftware, #setup, #configuration, #constellation, #linecolor, #boundaries, #names.

You can find me on Friendica at

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Searching for objects with Kstars, is pretty simple.

I have just signed up to a short OpenLearn course on the Orion Constellation it makes sense to perhaps search fpr Orion in Kstars. This may make it easier to observe given the current weather isn't exactly friendly for astronomy.

Pointing (menu) —> Find Object

should bring up the following dialogue box.

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From here you can search for stars, constellations, planets and other objects.

#kstars, #object, #search

You can find me on Friendica at

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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