Paul Sutton


Bash scripting 10 – Add text to video

Following on from stripping sound, I have looked up on stack overflow how to add text to a video. The script below is slightly modified, so that the text is added to a single video file.

echo strip sound content from video
append=nosnd # set text to append to filename

for file in *.MP4 # apply to all files ending with MP4
    ffmpeg -i test1.MP4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Torbay Trojans':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black@0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" -codec:a copy test1-text.MP4   
    #ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -an ${filename}_$append.MP4


This adds “Torbay Trojans” text to the centre of the video. See link above, as the text can be positioned where you want.



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Bash scripting 9 – check for root

Some tasks require the user to have root or admin permissions in order for the task to be completed successfully. There are several ways to do this, some are detailed on AskUbuntu

if ((${EUID:-0} || "$(id -u)")); then
  echo You are not root.
  echo Hello, root.



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Bash scripting 8 – Backup

So moving on, making backups of files is generally a good idea, especially with the scripts we have been making

echo "Basic backup script"
append=-bak # set text to append to file
echo "list files"
for file in *.JPG # apply to all files ending with JPG
    cp $file ${filename}.JPG$append
echo "backed up files"



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Bash scripting 7 – Image resize

So moving on to resizing images, I have created two scripts. The first extracts the image size from the photo metadata.

echo display metadata image size in photos
echo "requires exiftool as a dependency"
echo "requires gm (graphics magick) as a dependency"

for file in *.JPG # apply to all files ending with JPG
    exiftool -TAG -s -ImageSize ${file}

The second script resizes each image to the specified new size. Then displays the new metadata to help confirm successful operation.

echo resize photos
echo "requires exiftool as a dependency"
echo "requires gm (graphics magick) as a dependency"

for file in *.JPG # apply to all files ending with JPG
    gm mogrify -resize 1024x768 $file  
    exiftool -TAG -s -ImageSize ${file}



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Bash scripting 6 – Strip sound from video

I have further improved the script from the previous post, the text that is appended to the filename is now set via a variable.

echo strip sound content from video
append=nosnd # set text to append to file

for file in *.MP4 # apply to all files ending with MP4
    ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -an ${filename}$append.MP4

As a further enhancement,

ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -an ${filename}_$append.MP4

Will put an underscore before the appended text.



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Bash scripting 5 – Strip sound from video

I had a go at this, storing filenames in an array, which isn't ideal for this problem, so I asked for help via the lug, as I also want the output filename to be different.

So the current solution is:

ffmpeg -i 20OCT5.mp4 -c copy -an 20OCT5-ns.mp4

Which only works on 1 file, so I need to run and modify the above for each fine in a directory. As I take more video, then the need to have better automation would be useful.

So, the above line of code :

  • Takes a single .mp4 file
  • Removes the sound content
  • Saves the output to a new file that appends the filename with -ns

So the new solution is

echo strip sound content from video
for file in *.MP4
    ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -an ${filename}-ns.MP4

This takes a set of MP4 video files, strips out the sound and saves as newfile-ns.MP4

If you need to, then you will have to set the execute permission on your new script.

chmod +x

This can also be achieved with a single line of bash

ls ./*.mp4 | sed -e 's\.mp4\\g' | while read INFILE; do ffmpeg -i $INFILE.mp4 -c copy -an $INFILE-ns.mp4; done 

So, a big thank you to the LUG members who have helped with this.

My original solution is below,

echo strip sound content from video
  # list of files

# Loop to download each file
for url in "${videos[@]}"; do
   #echo "$url" 
   ffmpeg -i $url -c copy -an "$url" 

# ffmpeg -i 20OCT5.mp4 -c copy -an 20OCT5-ns.mp4



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Bash scripting 4 – Goals

One of my goals with this, is now to create a script to take the following

ffmpeg -i 20OCT5.mp4 -c copy -an 20OCT5-ns.mp4

Which only works on 1 file, so I need to run and modify the above for each fine in a directory. As I take more video, then the need to have better automation would be useful.

So, the above line of code :

  • Takes a single .mp4 file
  • Removes the sound content
  • Saves the output to a new file that appends the filename with -ns

So a script need to do this with each file of that type in the directory or folder.

Again looking on stack overflow This may point to a solution

for f in *.shp; do printf '%s\n' "${f%.shp}_poly.shp"; done

You will, of course, need to set execute permissions

chmod +x



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Bash scripting 3 – array

I have now figured out how to take a directory listing and put the contents in to an array. I had some help from a Stack Overflow post

#take a directory listing and store files in an array

#! /bin/bash

printf '[%q]\n' "${var[@]}"  # store all files in directory in array var
echo $var[png];

You will, of course, need to set execute permissions

chmod +x



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