Bash scripting 5 – Strip sound from video

I had a go at this, storing filenames in an array, which isn't ideal for this problem, so I asked for help via the lug, as I also want the output filename to be different.

So the current solution is:

ffmpeg -i 20OCT5.mp4 -c copy -an 20OCT5-ns.mp4

Which only works on 1 file, so I need to run and modify the above for each fine in a directory. As I take more video, then the need to have better automation would be useful.

So, the above line of code :

So the new solution is

echo strip sound content from video
for file in *.MP4
    ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -an ${filename}-ns.MP4

This takes a set of MP4 video files, strips out the sound and saves as newfile-ns.MP4

If you need to, then you will have to set the execute permission on your new script.

chmod +x

This can also be achieved with a single line of bash

ls ./*.mp4 | sed -e 's\.mp4\\g' | while read INFILE; do ffmpeg -i $INFILE.mp4 -c copy -an $INFILE-ns.mp4; done 

So, a big thank you to the LUG members who have helped with this.

My original solution is below,

echo strip sound content from video
  # list of files

# Loop to download each file
for url in "${videos[@]}"; do
   #echo "$url" 
   ffmpeg -i $url -c copy -an "$url" 

# ffmpeg -i 20OCT5.mp4 -c copy -an 20OCT5-ns.mp4



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