Astrobiology course
Just reposting this.
Following on from the Looking for Life on Mars talk. The OU Space Science club have put links to a course on Astrobiology, course presented by The Amity University.
Session overviews (from the OU forum post)
Session 1 was literally just an introduction/overview.
Sessions 2 & 3 concentrated on the Earth's formation, using locations on Earth as analogue sites, geology, plate tectonics, and pre-biotic conditions that led to biotic life
Session 4 was Dr Macey's lecture covering the building blocks and origin of life; the rise of multicellularity; and extremophiles & analogue environments.
Session 5 looked at moons and planets in our own solar system for suitable conditions/indicators of life.
Session 6 looked at missions focussed on astrobiology, and instrumentation used on various types of spacecraft in the quest for life.
Session 7 looked at the legalities on ensuring we don't contaminate other worlds, or don't return anything from extra-terrestrial sources that may contaminate the Earth.
Session 8 was esoteric in that it covered a proposed constitution for other worlds, so that colonists might be accorded the same protections as on Earth e.g. human-rights, freedom of expression/movement, and also in terms of creativity such as art.
Session 9 talked about opportunities for internships & future study globally.
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JUICE Jupiter mission launch attempt 2
Due to the weather, yesterdays JUICE launch was scrubbed, they will attempt another launch today.
The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Friday April 14th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.
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Watch JUICE Jupiter mission launch today
The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Thursday April 13th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.
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JUICE Jupiter mission launch on April 13?
The ESA Juice mission is due to launch on Thursday April 13th. According to the launch time is around 12:15 GMT.
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Astronomers want a more powerful telescope
This sounds like a really good development, and shows how exciting things are going to get. I have replied and mentioned the Nancy Grace Telescope (due later this decade) and asked about the difference between a space telescope and one placed on the dark side of the moon.
This is another reason to STUDY STEM, and include maths, computing within that so we have people to help analyse all the data being sent back, and we also need people to design, build everything around this.
Mikko Tuomi
Because of the fantastic success of #JWST, now astronomers want even more powerful gear up in space.
They are planning the Habitable Worlds Observatory that would be even bigger and make detecting life on other #Earth-like #planets reality.
The telescope will also be perched at L2. Unlike JWST, it will be designed for robotic servicing and upgrades, which could enable it to operate for decades.
#astronomy #exoplanets #astrobiology
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Astrobiology course 5
So moving on in from the previous post the next lecture in the Astrobiology course is on Space Missions in the Search for Life
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Astrobiology course 4
So following on from previous post I have been watching the lecture on Where to look for life in the solar system presented by Dr Jennifer Blank.
Really interesting and in fact this builds on the course undertaken as part of my Certificate in Contemporary Science course. S186 : Planets and introduction.
So lots of moons around Jupiter that seem to have sub surface water, but importantly thank to Tidal Heating this could be liquid water under the surface.
So Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa, are interesting but given between Jupiter and Saturn there are over 100 moons. There are lots of interesting moons out there, some with very interesting molecules that include organics.
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Astrobiology course 3
So following on from Astrobiology course 2 the section on Rise of life (video 4) had quite a lot of biochemistry, including look at the nucleobases that make up RNA & DNA
RNA Nucleobases
RiboNucleic Acid
DNA Nucleobases
Deoxyribo nucleic Acid
So in essence here there are only 5
The links point to wikipedia, which is NOT a academic source of information.
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