Paul Sutton


Exoplanet research

Temperamental stars are distorting our view of distant planets

Interesting research looking at some interesting issues faced when using transits to find planets around stars. We know the transit causes starlight to dim, from the viewpoint of the observer. However, according to this research, so does changes to the star, hot and cold regions and how this impacts star brightness could be impacting how we detect planets.

The article can be found here on Science Daily. There is an article on transits on the NASA website.



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Another interesting article posted to Fediverse. This is about new exoplanet discoveries. I think this suggests we have found a Jupiter like planet around another star. However this is even further away than the previous planet discovered by Kepler. Another discovery by the Kepler Telescope, which I would guess one day will be observed by the HST, JWST or both.

A really good time to study STEM and get involved in resarch and new discoveries.

Info graphic

Kepler Infographic




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Astronomers want a more powerful telescope

This sounds like a really good development, and shows how exciting things are going to get. I have replied and mentioned the Nancy Grace Telescope (due later this decade) and asked about the difference between a space telescope and one placed on the dark side of the moon.

This is another reason to STUDY STEM, and include maths, computing within that so we have people to help analyse all the data being sent back, and we also need people to design, build everything around this.

Mikko Tuomi

Because of the fantastic success of #JWST, now astronomers want even more powerful gear up in space.

They are planning the Habitable Worlds Observatory that would be even bigger and make detecting life on other #Earth-like #planets reality.

The telescope will also be perched at L2. Unlike JWST, it will be designed for robotic servicing and upgrades, which could enable it to operate for decades.

#astronomy #exoplanets #astrobiology

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Latest FutureLearn course

I signed up to another FutureLearn course, “Atmospheric Chemistry : Planets and life beyond Earth” a few weeks ago.

Mostly for personal interest, however, parts of this will tie in with the National Curriculum.

This is a 4 hour course, spread over 2 weeks, I took my time to compete this as I had other things to do at the same time.



This course is now complete.


#FutureLearn,#Chemistry,#Planets,#Atmosphere, #BioChemistry,#Chemistry

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Earth-like biospheres on other planets may be rare

This is an interesting article on Science Daily. Seems that the conditions on Earth could be far rarer than we think. [1] So we are looking for Earth Like atmospheres, the JWST will really help push this research forward.

Please feel free to discuss further on discourse [2]l. I have also included a link to a infographc, on atmosphere composition in our own solar system [3]

Comment and questions on this.

I just wondered what the range of conditions could support life, for example is there a minimum and corresponding percentage range for Oxygen for example. The same would go for other gasses for example Nitrogen, $CO_2$ etc. Hopefully we can learn more about what is needed for life, so we perhaps increase our chances of finding possible habitable words. This, of course is assuming all life requires Oxygen We have found life in or near volcanoes on Earth, conditions are very hot, and inhospitable to humans generally, not to mention the Sulfur Dioxide and other toxic gasses.

I will try and look in to this further.


1 Main Article 2 Discourse Discussion 3 Compound Chemistry – Solar System Atmospheres


#YearOfTheFediverse,ScienceDaily,#Planets,#Atosphere, #Telescope,#JWST,#Exoplanets,#Life,#Composition

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