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Exoplanet research
Temperamental stars are distorting our view of distant planets
Interesting research looking at some interesting issues faced when using transits to find planets around stars. We know the transit causes starlight to dim, from the viewpoint of the observer. However, according to this research, so does changes to the star, hot and cold regions and how this impacts star brightness could be impacting how we detect planets.
The article can be found here on Science Daily. There is an article on transits on the NASA website.
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NASA Solar probe
I guess it would not be Christmas without a big space event taking place. 2024 is no exception, this year is the turn of the NASA Parker solar probe attempting the closest flyby.
I was reminded about this after seeing the BBC headlines today, mission details are below.
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What is Space-Time?
So back to some Physics videos, what is space-time?: This video does a really nice job of explaining this in a way that is understandable, but not so simple it loses any meaning.
I have included links to wondorium below, as well as links to the usual discussion forums.
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Dust Battery
More interesting findings about the early universe, I guess some of this makes sense as one of the 4 fundamental forces is Electromagnetic forces.
This research findings are detailed here. So if I understand this correctly, the early universe processes had that were had electrically charged dust particles, these produced magnetic fields as they moved around by the radiation from the 2nd generation of stars.
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Future space telescopes
Future space telescopes could be made from thin membranes, unrolled in space to enormous size
Interesting article on the future of space telescopes so the idea seems interesting as it allows deployment of large telescopes in space quickly.
The JWST is 6.5 meters, the ELT is 39 meters (ground based) as the JWST is foldable then the technology is already there.
This could offer some real opportunity to make strides forward, as we have seen with the JWST. Larger telescopes allow for the collection of more light, I would guess that telescopes can be built to collect different light e.g. UV, Visible and IR.
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Asteroid mining
Interesting video post to the Spaceflight fediverse channel, looking at mining Asteroid and what we should perhaps be doing this for, for example we can use water to make rocket fuel.
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Introducing Ramses, ESA’s mission to asteroid Apophis
Introducing Ramses, ESA’s mission to asteroid Apophis
Another item found on the Fediverse, decentralized social media. This is a new ESA mission to the asteroid Apophis.
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Space Bricks from meteorite dust
LEGO creates 'space bricks' made from meteorite dust – Physics World
Interesting article from Physics world, on a possible construction solution for bases on the Moon. Lego and a team of scientists from the ESA have created bricks from material from a crushed meteorite and a few other materials
I have started a Fediverse thread on this topic to ask if this technology could perhaps be combined with Boron Nitride in order to provide extra space radiation shielding.
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Ariane 6 launch
ESA – Ariane 6 launch: how to watch and what to look out for
The European space agencies new Ariane 6 rocket is scheduled for its inaugural launch on July 9th. This is a great step forward with a new rocket to usher in a new era
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