Paul Sutton


Volcanoes and Ozone

This was posted to the fediverse after I asked how the ozone layer is being further depleted despite the world wide ban on CFCs and similar chemicals. It turns out that a volcano can throw out chemicals that can react and reduce Ozone (O_3) in the atmosphere.



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Climate : Time to get a grip

This link was posted to the fediverse. An very hard hitting article on the ITV news website, spelling out the reality of climate change and the damage we are doing to our planet as humans. You can read the article here.

I think when 11,000 scientists are all saying the same thing it is time we woke up and listened.

The fediverse seems to be about the only place that we can hold sensible, science and evidence based discussions. People are actually LEAVING mainstream social media, joining the fediverse to discuss as they feel safer and are not being subjected to the abuse they face on mainstream social media.


#ITVNews,#Climate,#Warming,#Ecosystems,#Humans,#Damage, #Extinction.

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The Damage to Lunar Orbiting Spacecraft Caused by the Ejecta of Lunar Landers

This is an interesting paper looking at The Damage to Lunar Orbiting Spacecraft Caused by the Ejecta of Lunar Landers.. The Link was posted to the Fediverse.


Just highlights the many dangers of space exploration, we need to protect any spacecraft from moon ejecta. How we do this will of course require more research and data, as I guess we can't just go up and collect a load of moon dust and bring to earth, probably not as simple as that as we would probably need to simulate the gravity difference on the moon.

I have started a discussion on science forums around this as I am just speculating about how we can research this. I would guess that once we do have data, then we can use AI to help with simulations.



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