Paul Sutton


Arctic Sea Ice and Extreme Weather Events

Research looking at the relationship with Arctic Sea Ice and extreme weather. The main graphic shows how as sea ice level has fallen, temperatures have risen.

We know that everything is linked, and our climate seems to be a fine balance, creating the right conditions for life to exist. Human activity is impacting this and more so since industrialisation, and the increased CO_2 emissions this has caused.

So this research is important, it is also peer-reviewed and has links and references to other related research. I am including the Starlink article in the list of links, as the damage to the atmosphere from this are also well documented.



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Open Day at GEO600

This was posted to the MPI for Gravitational Physics Fediverse account today. There is an open day at the Gravitational wave detector on the 31st August, so just sharing here.

Further details can be found here. I have quoted some of the text from the above site below.

Open Day at GEO600

Visit the gravitational-wave detector near Sarstedt on 31 August 2024

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) and the Institute for Gravitational Physics of Leibniz Universität Hannover invite you to visit the German-British gravitational-wave detector GEO600 near Sarstedt. Between 12:00 and 16:00 CEST, visitors can speak with researchers at the detector site about the current state of gravitational-wave astronomy, the crucial contributions of GEO600 as a think tank of international research, and visit the detector.



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An evaluation of reproducibility

An evaluation of reproducibility and errors in published sample size calculations performed using G*Power

Another article link found on the Fediverse, this will possibly be of interest to those involved in research.

**Quoted objective (or part thereof) from the research. **

Objective. We aimed to (1) estimate how many published articles report using the G*Power sample size calculation software; (2) assess whether these calculations are reproducible and (3) error-free; and (4) assess how often these calculations use G*Power's default option for mixed-design ANOVAs; which can be misleading and output sample sizes that are too small for a researcher's intended purpose. Method. 

Links * Article * MedarXiv * G*Power



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ISS De-Orbit Contract

In a contract worth as much as $843 million, NASA announced today SpaceX has been selected to develop a vehicle that will de-orbit the International Space Station in 2030.

You can read the full article at SpaceX Scores $843 Million NASA Contract To De-Orbit ISS In 2030

I am posting this as it seems very much related to my Previous post to an article on Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega-Constellations

It would be interesting to find how, how much Aluminium (if any) is contained within the ISS and how much of that will end up being subject to Oxidation given the evidence from the research in the depletion of the Ozone layer. This, I would guess, is in addition to any other satellites that also fall to Earth and burn up in the Atmosphere.



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Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise

Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega-Constellations

Interesting paper that was published in Geophysical research letters looking at potential damage to the Ozone layer from Satellites re-entering the Earths atmosphere and burning up. The specific issue seems to be related to the Aluminium Oxidizing, and then this travels down to the Ozone layer and causes a chemical reaction.

Give the number of Satellites in orbit and the importance of the Already fragile Ozone layer, this is not good news.

You can read the research here

There is a Fediverse discussion here that is quite interesting, I have also started a Science Forums discussion


#Science,#Space,#Satellite,#ReEntry,#Aluminium,#AlumiumOxide, #Ozone,#Damage,#Research

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Positronium is a particle that has no actual nucleus, but has a positive (positron) and negative (electron) particle. The positron is antimatter as it has the opposite charge to an electron, which is negatively charged.

Scientists have found a way to freeze the particle with lazers, which will allow further study.

You can read a little more on the BBC Website. While the research was published in Physical Review Letters.. Article can be found here



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Write an Impactful Research Paper

I have been reading Write an Impactful Research Paper by Martins Zaumanis. This is a fascinating book, while I am not a graduate or even doing post grad work, this book is really informative.

The author is sharing lots of really useful hints and tips from personal experience of publishing, There is a link to both the publisher and the book below.

I would recommend this book as part of your collection as there are also links to cheat sheets which when taken within the context of the book could be really useful. I say this as cheat sheets are a summary of what is in the book, so reading associated chapters does make sense.

As you are trying to get your research reviewed and published, then it is not worth cutting corners. You can print off the cheat sheets and display for reference.

If anyone is interested, then I can bring my copy to the STEM group, but if you want one, you need to buy your own.;



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Stsci lectures Feb 2024 update

I have been catching up on these lectures as they are fascinating. The LISA talk was also good as it gave a lot of background information as to the science behind this. Exciting times to come, even though it may be a decade before the mission is launched in to space.

So far I have watched:-




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Interesting article about an announcement in relation to the gene editing technique(s) known as CRISPR.

Today, we talk about the much-awaited CRISPR-based drug Casgevy, discuss the new Gavi initiative that plans to dramatically ramp up vaccine manufacturing in Africa, and more. Have a nice weekend!

Also, wonderful that Africa can lead the way on this, too.



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