Paul Sutton



Positronium is a particle that has no actual nucleus, but has a positive (positron) and negative (electron) particle. The positron is antimatter as it has the opposite charge to an electron, which is negatively charged.

Scientists have found a way to freeze the particle with lazers, which will allow further study.

You can read a little more on the BBC Website. While the research was published in Physical Review Letters.. Article can be found here



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APG password generator

Debian comes with a useful command line utility called apg for generating passwords, based on criteria set when it is run.

You may need to install with apt install apg

Running just apg produces

yissheav-Flas6 (yis-sheav-HYPHEN-Flas-SIX)
rek_OfDot6ly (rek-UNDERSCORE-Of-Dot-SIX-ly)
yorthIs0Ot; (yorth-Is-ZERO-Ot-SEMICOLON)
NapOl{aj6 (Nap-Ol-LEFT_BRACE-aj-SIX)
9Knyhik. (NINE-Kny-hik-PERIOD)

Where as using -m 16 produces a min length of 16 characters

apg -m 16


As a good password should be made up of Letters (upper and lower case) Numbers (0-9) Other characters ( !“£$()%^&* )

Then you need to run something like

apg -M sncl -m 16 -n 5

apg  -M sncl -m 16 -n 5 

The program man page also gives more info and an example shell script to help with the process.

man apg

shell script

       /usr/local/bin/apg -m 8 -x 12 -s
       [ end ]---->

#linux,#debian,#shell,#password,#generation,#security,#help,#scripts,#secure,#unix,#gpl,#fsf,#freesoftware,#manpage, #manual,#web,#internet,#links,#letters,#numbers, #alphanumeric,#specialcharacters

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Greek Alphabet

As I am going to be writing posts that fall within the sciences, specifically Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry and related fields. I have decided to post here, the Greek and Hebrew Alphabet, which is used extensively in some of these fields.

I am using “a quick guide to $\LaTeX$” for this.

$\alpha$ – alpha $\beta$ – beta $\chi$ – chi $\delta$ – delta $\epsilon$ – epsilon $\varepsilon$ – varepsilon $\eta$ – eta $\gamma$ – gamma $\iota$ – iota $\kappa$ – kappa $\lambda$ – lambda $\mu$ – mu $\nu$ – nu $\omega$ – omega $\phi$ – phi $\varphi$ – varphi $\pi$ – pi $\psi$ – psi $\rho$ – rho $\sigma$ – sigma $\tau$ – tau $\theta$ – theta $\upsilon$ – upsilon $\xi$ – xi $\zeta$ – zeta $\Delta$ – Delta $\Gamma$ – Gamma $\Lambda$ – Lamda $\Omega$ – Omega $\Phi$ – Phi $\Pi$ – Pi $\Psi$ – Psi $\Sigma$ – Sigma $\Theta$ – Theta $\Upsilon$ – Upsilon $\Xi$ – Xi $\aleph$ – aleph $\beth$ – beth $\daleth$ – daleth $\gimel$ – gimel

Information source : A quick guide to $\LaTeX$ Dave Richson, Dickinson College

#science, #alphabet, #greek, #letters, #hebrew

You can find me on Friendica at

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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$\LaTeX$ Letters

In Overleaf, I have used a template letter file with an empty letter body area (or at least minimal). Copying this to a new file, keeps the original body empty for new files.

I have also created letters and letters-sent folders. This helps keep track of which letters are work in progress and which letters have been sent.

Once saved as pdf you can also attach to a e-mail if you wish to send a letter that way.

Use % at the start of a line (for example for the enclosures) to make the line a comment, if you are enclosing anything this can be put back in by removing the % from the start.

Using % makes that line a comment

$\LaTeX$ templates is a really useful website has templates that can help get you started.

I actually feel fairly confident that I could teach or run small workshops to introduce $\LaTeX$ to students but would expect to be paid.

#LaTeX, #typesetting, #documents, #text, #wysiwym, #sharelatex, #overleaf, #ctan, #texstudio, #templates, #letters

You can find me on Friendica at

cc-by logo Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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