Paul Sutton


Big Tech : Your time is Up

This weekend sees new EU laws designed to reign in big tech. Not before time, and something really DOES need to happen.

This Fediverse post is about the new laws which will be in FORCE from THIS WEEKEND.

A link to the article can also be found here. While not applicable in the UK, big tech companies are going to find their irresponsible, arrogant free for all behaviour is coming to an end.

In further news, families of victims are staring to fight back too. Brianna Ghey's mother and Molly Russell's father join forces to combat online harm

I look forward to massive fines for these companies, lawsuits, and hopefully PRISON terms for those at the top who have FAILED or FAIL TO protect users properly.

We may not be able to put Zukerberg or X CEO Linda Yaccarino in the dock, but we can perhaps put those who are at the top in their European HQs in the dock. I am sure these people will be very pleased about that.




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Online Safety Bill

The UK Online safety bill has passed another stage in the House of Lords. This is part of its journey to gaining royal ascent from King Charles III and becoming UK law.

This bill is designed to help keep children safe online and force social media companies for example to remove content illegal and harmful.

The outline of the bill can be found here

Worth reading and being familiar with.

I will make another post when this becomes law.



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Meta (Facebook and Instagram) prohibited from using personal data for advertisement.

This is a really important development in that it shows that the GDPR and the Law are to be followed. Massive win for our personal data protection. People are waking up and finally taking back control and see what big tech is really doing.

Fediverse article has been included below



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Online Safety Bill

Hopefully this bill, if it ever gets in t law, will really start to make tech companies more responsible.

We need to prevent more incidents such as reported here Daily mail – schoolboy dies attempting TikTok blackout challenge. However, saying this perhaps holding the content creators more to account may also provide some sort of deterrent such as this reported by USnews – Alex Jones Loses Lawsuit Over Sandy Hook 'Hoax' Conspiracy. So in the case of the blackout challenge, hold the original poster of this to account and sue them, this could prove rather costly esp if undertaken via US courts, and the award being sought is in the millions of dollars.

We already have laws that cover this, so slander, defamation and libel can all get you sued for damages.

We still allow freedom of expression / speech, but creators would be held responsible for the consequences, just as they are in the real world out side of cyberspace. Tech companies could help by providing information on those who started these trends, or be held responsible or at least partly. Education and awareness should still be top priority, but just hold people to account.

We also need safeguards against tech companies handing data to police, such as in this case reported in NYPost Facebook gave teen’s private messages about alleged abortion to Nebraska police. If tech companies can do this, they can also hand over data on sex offenders and other serious criminals to the police too Tech companies can't pick and choose what they report.

At the same time I also appreciate we need protection for journalists and some activists who use technology to communicate and report on sensitive issues and or oppressive regimes for example.

All we need now is for the next Uk government to get their finger out and get this in to law.



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Facebook and personal data, the farce carries on.

Not a week goes by without Facebook or rather its parent company Meta Being in the news. A recent article, raises yet more questions about what happens to our personal data once Facebook / Meta get hold of it.

The GDPR is very clear as to how data can be used, the fact Facebook appear unable to control what goes on, shows they are not fit for purpose. Companies or individuals that use Facebook could end up complicit in any data misuse.

The problem probably arises as YOU sign up to Facebook and therefore consent to them using your data, photos etc.

This is why CHOICE is important. I don't have a problem with education establishments using Facebook for student communication, I just won't use it. I do object to people assuming I use Facebook.


#Data,#GDPR,#Facebook,#Control,#Meta,#Law,#ICO, #DataProtection

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UK Online Safety Bill

The draft of the new Online Safety Bill is now available.

The draft Online Safety Bill establishes a new regulatory framework to tackle harmful content online.

This bill is really important and has potential implications for anyone running online services. This bill aims to protect both adults, children and young people from online harms.

Update 17/3 BBC Article



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Sexual Harassment in the work place

Just completed another course with e-learning at work. This a really useful course, a lot to take in, but an essential topic. I would encourage EVERYONE to undertake this training, then hold your employer to account. In the light of everyone's invited I would encourage Parent / Guardians to do the same, so that schools can be held to account too.

The third case study is very disturbing for another reason. Nothing was mentioned about those staff members (inc the headteacher) being struck off from teaching given what happened. You need to do the course to find out more.

This course will start by defining sexual harassment and explaining how protection comes from both employment law and criminal law. You'll see from workplace statistics how widespread and serious the problem is, and how the management response to concerns raised is often poor or non-existent. It also addresses how allegations should be handled, explains the importance of having clear and robust policies and the role line managers tend to take when it comes to dealing with these situations. The course also covers investigation from the employer's perspective, the role of employment tribunals, and concludes with some case studies that will give further insight into what constitutes harassment and the outcome of cases where the businesses did not act appropriately to deal with this behaviour.


Sexual Harassment Certificate



#CPD,#SexualHarassment,#WorkPlace,#Law,#UK,#ELearningAtWork, #Training

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