Paul Sutton


The US is ending support for Ukrainian F-16s

I am sharing this as it appears the main media outlets are NOT reporting this.

The US is ending support for Ukrainian F-16s, but there is a way out The USA is meant to be our Friend and Ally, clearly given recent activity it is anything BUT this.

You can read the Mastodon post that links to this article and comment further.

It is clear that, we in Europe need to redefine who our friends are and who we can trust.


#USA,#F16,#Denmark,#Support,#EndOfSupport,#Ukraine, #Russia,#War,#EU,#Allies,#Enemies,#Trust

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US Cloud Services and EU citizens data

In a major move in the right direction for data protection and user privacy.

It is no longer safe to move our governments and societies to US clouds

The very short version: it is madness to continue transferring the running of European societies and governments to American clouds. Not only is it a terrible idea given the kind of things the “King of America” keeps saying, the legal sophistry used to justify such transfers, like the nonsense letter the Dutch cabinet sent last week, has now been invalidated by Trump himself. And why are we doing this? Convenience. But it is very scary to make yourself 100% dependent on the goodwill of the American government merely because it is convenient. So let’s not. [1]



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Open Euro LLM

Open Euro LLM Is Europe's Bold Move Towards AI Independence

Europe is taking a big step towards AI independence with their Open Euro LLM initiative.

Read more

This does seem a wonderful idea, Europe needs to make its own path and mover away from the cesspits that big tech has created.

Related (nay not be directly associated with the above)



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Small Modular Reactors explained

Just making a post on this, as it may also be of interest to others looking at related careers. Sounds a good opportunity to get some great training in this field.

Small Modular Reactors

SMRs are defined as small nuclear reactors with a maximum output of 300 Megawatt electric (MWe) and can produce 7.2 million kWh per day. By comparison, large-size nuclear power plants have an output of over 1,000 MWe and can produce 24 million kWh per day. SMRs can vary in size from around 20 megawatts electric (MWe) up to 300 MWe and can use a range of possible coolants including light water, liquid metal or molten salt, depending on the technology.

A post on Fedi, highlights the EU support for Small Module reactors @Energy4Europe

The EU is supporting research and development of Small Modular Reactors via the Euratom Research and Training Programme,



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Big Tech : Your time is Up

This weekend sees new EU laws designed to reign in big tech. Not before time, and something really DOES need to happen.

This Fediverse post is about the new laws which will be in FORCE from THIS WEEKEND.

A link to the article can also be found here. While not applicable in the UK, big tech companies are going to find their irresponsible, arrogant free for all behaviour is coming to an end.

In further news, families of victims are staring to fight back too. Brianna Ghey's mother and Molly Russell's father join forces to combat online harm

I look forward to massive fines for these companies, lawsuits, and hopefully PRISON terms for those at the top who have FAILED or FAIL TO protect users properly.

We may not be able to put Zukerberg or X CEO Linda Yaccarino in the dock, but we can perhaps put those who are at the top in their European HQs in the dock. I am sure these people will be very pleased about that.




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Euclid meets launches this weekend.

The EU Euclid mission to study nature of dark energy and dark matter. is due to launch this weekend.

Euclid is an ESA mission to map the geometry of the Universe and better understand the mysterious dark matter and dark energy, which make up most of the energy budget of the cosmos. The mission will investigate the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmic structures by measuring shapes and redshifts of galaxies and clusters of galaxies out to redshifts ~2, or equivalently to a look-back time of 10 billion years. In this way, Euclid will cover the entire period over which dark energy played a significant role in accelerating the expansion of the Universe. [1]

There is also a comprehensive launch kit available [2] in English and other languages from.


  1. Euclid mission
  2. Launch Kit
  3. Science Forums



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EU ready to back immediate open access

EU ready to back immediate open access without author fees

Looks like some really positive steps forward in support of open access to science.



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Meta (Facebook and Instagram) prohibited from using personal data for advertisement.

This is a really important development in that it shows that the GDPR and the Law are to be followed. Massive win for our personal data protection. People are waking up and finally taking back control and see what big tech is really doing.

Fediverse article has been included below



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Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU

This news has just broken.

Could have some interesting implications, even though the UK has left the EU, the UK has adopted the GDPR.

A good step for people currently using google analytics would be to swtich to something like Matomo (see link below) which is an alternative.




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EU tech sector fights for a Level Playing Field with Microsoft

This was posted to Mastodon earlier, I am sharing to help raise awareness of the lawsuit. Also included below some links to alternative cloud solutions. Note: Disroot now uses a Cryptpad installation for some of their services.



#EU,#Technology,#Sector,#AntiTrust,#Lawsuit,#Microsoft, #LevelPlayingField,

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