Paul Sutton


Open Euro LLM

Open Euro LLM Is Europe's Bold Move Towards AI Independence

Europe is taking a big step towards AI independence with their Open Euro LLM initiative.

Read more

This does seem a wonderful idea, Europe needs to make its own path and mover away from the cesspits that big tech has created.

Related (nay not be directly associated with the above)



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Generative AI Is Exhausting the Power Grid

Generative AI is hailed by many as the future, being able to use Artificial Intelligence to generate content. All the talk fails to take in to account what is needed to power the computers or computer farms to generate this content.

The article here from on this very issue.

We really do need to decide on our future, the power required is huge as is the amount of water required to cool these systems. It is hardly sustainable, but it seems profit is far more important.

Related content


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Tinkerers – Torbay

This is a new group, formed out of the Stem group at Paignton library, it is aimed at adult tinkerers, project builders etc and hopes to bring like-minded people together.

We enjoy experimentation, Tinkering etc.

So far we have a website and a discord group, please get in touch as Discord is invite only at present.



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Jupyter Notebook

This article on Jupyter notebook ties in nicely with a previous article on Scientific Writing so another really interesting article relating to this posted to the fediverse. This gives some useful tips and tricks to help you make the most of this powerful software.

You can read the article on Makeuseof here



#Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #ProductivityTricks #ProductivityTips #Programming #CodingTips #Python,#JupyterNotebook

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Code Club Saturday 6th November part 2

I spent about ½ an hour on Friday setting up and preparing for Code Club, here are a few photos of the room all set up and ready to go.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3




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Code Club Saturday 6th November

The next Paignton Library Code Club is Saturday 6th November 2021. Usual time.

We will just carry on from where we left off last time, catch up on what has been undertaken since the last code club.




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Barnstaple Raspberry Pi jam

The Raspberry Pi Jam is this week, Saturday 2nd October, 10-12 pm. This is half an hour earlier than it used to be back in pre-Covid times.

Just to remind you what happens:

It is a drop-in session as always so you can stay as long or short as you wish. Children over 8 years old can be left but parents are welcome to stay. There will be refreshments for which there is a voluntary contribution. Please bring your Raspberry Pi if you have one or any other tech/code project you are working on. If you don't have a Pi, don't worry, we have some to share.

We are still encouraging people to be Covid safe by wearing a mask.

Hope to see some of you there.

Best wishes

Matt Chamings


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CoderDojo Training

As we come out of lock down in the United Kingdom, thoughts are turning to the restart of events. This includes Code Club. We are thinking it may be better to restart this as a CoderDojo as that allows more flexibility and creativity in activities and for attendees to focus on their own projects and self directed learning.

I have therefore, undertaken the training linked to running a CoderDojo.

Ethos Mentoring Safeguarding

Update: FutureLearn course completed.

Update : 17/5/2021 I am also undertaking the FutureLearn course on starting a CoderDojo.




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Malware discovered on Computers given to children

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The BBC has reported Malware found on laptops given out by government this report asks several important question as to why these laptops have not been wiped before giving away.

"Ideally users should reboot into safe mode and run a full scan with an anti-virus product," he said.

"However with this type of malware, it is advisable to seek professional assistance in order to ensure it has been correctly removed."

Is even more hilarious, to get a professional in to fix this issue will COST MONEY which is the one thing these families don't have.

Once again a scheme by our government has gone wrong.

First thing people should do when getting any device such as this is to wipe it and install a OS such as Debian, Mint or Ubuntu.




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Small Tech Episode 1

Episode 1

Small is Beautiful – “It’s elementary, dear Watson!”

Discussion on elementary OS


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