Code Club Saturday 6th November part 2
I spent about ½ an hour on Friday setting up and preparing for Code Club, here are a few photos of the room all set up and ready to go.

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Code Club Saturday 6th November
The next Paignton Library Code Club is Saturday 6th November 2021. Usual time.
We will just carry on from where we left off last time, catch up on what has been undertaken since the last code club.
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Code Club 4/10/2021
I am back at Code Club today, 2nd session since our return. If you are still not sure what Code Club is, then you have clearly being living in a cave since about 2012. Anyway, it is a coding club for children, generally 9-13 years of age.
The Paignton Club is a little more advanced, in that some of the attendees are working through a responsive web design course.
It would be really good to get MORE code clubs in Torbay, and in fact would be really nice if those clubs could collaborate, share expertise, maybe some resources.
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