Paul Sutton


Game development in Rust with Macroquad

This should be available by the time this post is published book on rust game programming/



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OS-Sci hackathon 2024

A quick reminder about this

21-22 Feb 2024

Groups of international students can participate one or both days. The event will be coordinated by OS-SCi in conjunction with foss partners and universities. During the event there will be live Masterclasses, which are streamed. Each day there's a prize of 2000 euros for the best team result.

You can register by pressing the Register button. Please fill in the name field, not only your name, but also the name of your team with postal code. Next we need your email adress. 

Registration ends : 2/15/25, 12:32 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)




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Beginning rust programming 2

A quick summary of what we can do with Cargo.

We can create a project using cargo new.
We can build a project using cargo build.
We can build and run a project in one step using cargo run.
We can build a project without producing a binary to check for errors using cargo check.
Instead of saving the result of the build in the same directory as our code, Cargo stores it in the target/debug directory.




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Beginning rust programming

I am going to learn some rudimentary rust, so that I can hopefully write some simple programs.

I have installed the rust programming language compiler, according to the man page, to compile a program source to an executable on a GNU/Linux system I need.

rustc -o hello

However, for really simple programs


works fine.

Which is very similar to how you would compile in c.

So following the age-old tradition of creating a program to display hello world.

:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ls
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ rustc
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ls
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ./hello 
Hello, world!

The manual then jumps in to using cargo, as this is better for managing larger projects, so this also needs to be installed

sudo apt install cargo

We can also check what versions we are running

rustc --version
rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21) (built from a source tarball)
cargo --version
cargo 1.75.0




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Free Code Camp

With the end of the academic year approaching, I decided to give Free Code Camp another mention and as there are now more courses available.

Computing related

1 Responsive Web Design Certification 2 JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Beta) Certification 3 Front End Development Libraries Certification 4 Data Visualization Certification 5 Relational Database Certification 6 Back End Development and APIs Certification 7 Quality Assurance Certification 8 Scientific Computing with Python (Beta) Certification 9 Data Analysis with Python Certification 10 Information Security Certification 11 Machine Learning with Python Certification 12 College Algebra with Python Certification

Other courses

  • Learn English for Developers
  • A2 English for Developers (Beta) Certification

Earn free professional certifications:

  • (New) Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification

Prepare for the developer interview job search:

  • The Odin Project – freeCodeCamp Remix (Beta)
  • Coding Interview Prep
  • Project Euler
  • Rosetta Code

Explore our Legacy Curriculum:

  • Legacy Responsive Web Design Challenges
  • Legacy JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
  • Legacy Python for Everybody
FreeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546).

Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public.

Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff.

Follow free code camp on mastodon Note this account mirrors what is posted to X.


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Assembler programming

Updated 26/6/2024

We have been looking at MikeOS at what is now a sort of unofficial stem group. As this is mostly x86 assembler, I have compiled a list of resources to help learn this for anyone interested.

I have not fully checked out these resources, but they do seem good, you need to do your own research and learning







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Advanced Programming in the #UNIX Environment

This was posted to the Fediverse by Jan Schaumann,



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A #AbsorbtionSpectra #Abuse #Academy #Activism #Adenine #Afghanistan #Africa #Alphablocks #AMES #AminoAcid #AmnestyInternational #AMOC #Analytics #apg #Api #Apt #Aptitude #AralBalkan #Archaeology #Arduino #ARM #Artemis #arXiv #Assembler #AstroBiology #AstroChemistry #Astronify #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Atlantic #AtomicStructure B #BlueGhost #bash #BASH #BASHShell #BatchProcessing #Beamer #BepiColombo #better #BibTeX #BigBluButton #BigOil #BioChemistry #Biology #BioMass #Blender #Blog #Bonfire #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #Browser #Bullseye #Buster C #Castopod #Charity #Chat #Chemistry #Chrome #Chromium #Climate #Code #CodeClub #Coding #Commons #Conditions #Conference #Console #Cornwall #Corona #CoronaVirus #Cosmology #Covid19 #cpd #CPD #Creative #CreativeCommons #CreativeEducation #CriticalThinking #CrudeOil #Cryptpad #Crystal #CTAN #CyberSecurity #Cytosine D #DarkMatter #Data #DBS #dcglug #dclug #Debconf #Debian #Decentralised #Decentralized #DeepLearning #Derived #Detox #Development #Devon #Diaspora #Digital #DiodeZone #Discussions #disroot #Disroot #dna #DNA #Docker #Documentation #Donate #Donation #Draft #DRM #Drupal E #Editing #Education #EdX #Electronics #Elements #emacs #Email #EmissionSpectra #Employment #Energy #EnergySavingWeek #Engine #Engine #ESA #Ethics #Ethiopia #EventManagement #Events #EveryonesInvited #Exoplanet #Exploration F #FalconsEye #Federated #Fediverse #Firefox #Flockingbird #Football #FootBall #Fosdem #FOSSandCrafts #FossileFuels #Foundation #Framablog #FramaBlog #Framework #FreeBSD #FreeBSD #Freedom #FreeSoftware #Friendica #Friendica #FSF #FSFE #Funkwhale #Fusion #FutureLearn G #Galaxy #Galculator #GameEngine #Games #Games #Gamma #GDPR #GettingStarted #Ghostreply #Gimp #Git #Gitlab #GitLab #gm #GNOME #GNU #GnuSocial #GoAccess #GoatCounter #GoDot #gold #GPL #GraphicsMagick #Greek #Guanine #GUI H #Hack #HackerPublicRadio #Hacking #Hardware #Hexchat #HomeChemistry #HomeChemistry1 #HomeChemistry10 #HomeChemistry11 #HomeChemistry12 #HomeChemistry13 #HomeChemistry14 #HomeChemistry15 #HomeChemistry16 #HomeChemistry17 #HomeChemistry18 #HomeChemistry2 #HomeChemistry3 #HomeChemistry4 #HomeChemistry5 #HomeChemistry6 #HomeChemistry7 #HomeChemistry8 #HomeChemistry9 #Hosting #HPR #htop #Hubble #Hubzilla #HumanRights #Hypothesis I #Image #ImageManipulation #Index #InfoGraphic #information #Inkscape #Invidious #IRC J #JamesWebb #Jitsi #JoeEditor #jpl #JPL #Jupyter #JupyterNotebook #JWST K #Kanban #kbin #KCSIE #KDE #KeepingChildrenSafeinEducation, #Kenya #kstars L #LaTeX #Law #Learning #Lecture #Legal #Legislation #Lemmy #LGPL #LiberaPay #Libre #LibreAdventure #LibreLounge #Librem #Libreoffice #LibreOffice #LibreOfficeCalc #LibreOfficeDraw #LibreOfficeGettingStarted #LibreOfficeImpres #LibreOfficeWriter #LibrePlanet #Linux #LinuxMint #Lua #Luanti #Luanti #LXDE #Lynx M #Magnesium #Management #Manganese #Map #Mapscii #Mars #Mastodon #Materials #Matomo #Matrix #Maya #Meeting #Meetings #mercury #Mercury #Meta #mining #Misskey #mobile #Mobile #Mobilizon #Mobilizon #MolarSolutionCalculator #Moon N #NaCl #Nano #NationsLeague #Nebula #NetHack #network #NewSkillsAcademy #Nextcloud #NFL #NGINX #Nuclear #NuclearFusion #Nucleobases #NASA O #Ocean #Oil #OilProducts #Online #Online #OnlineSafetyBill #Open #OpenData #OpenLearn #OpenStreetMap #OpenUniversity #Orbitals #OU #Overleaf #Owncast #OwnCloud P #Package #Parker #PaigntonLibrarySTEMGroup #Pandas #Paper #ParticlePhysics #Particles #Password #Payment #Paypal #PDF #PeerTube #PeriodicTable #Phonics #Photo #Photograph #Photographs #Photos #Physics #pinebook #pinephone #PixelFed #Planet #Plausible #Pleroma #Plume #Podcast #PowderToy #Privacy #Production #Products #Programming #ProtoSchool #Public #Purism #Python #Python3 Q #Quark #Quarks R #RadioAstronomy #Reading #Recovery #RedBubble #RedCabbage #Research #Rights #RISC #RISCV #rna #RNA #RocksAndDiamonds #Rookie #RookieCamp #Rust S #Safeguarding #SaferInternetDay #Safety #Salt #Schools #Science #Science #ScienceDaily #Scismic #Scratch #Scratch2 #Scratch3 #SDTJ #Seagl #Security #Simulator #Sitejs #Skymaps #smallweb #Soccer #Social #SocialHome #SocialHub #SodiumChloride #Solarus #Solid #SouthDevonTechJam #Space #Stars #Stellarium #Stickers #Stripe #stsci #Symmetry #Synaptic T #Tailings #Talk #Teaching #TeachingAssistant #Techlearningcollective #Telescope #Terminal #Terms #TeX #TextEditor #TheOpenUniversity #Theory #TheOU #Thesis #Thunar #Thunderbird #Thymine #Tilde #Toot #Top #Topic #Torbay #TorbayTrojans #Transit #Translation #Trojans #Trunk #Tuxiversity U #Ulytsheavy #Umami #UN #UnitedKingdom #UnitedNations #UniverseOfLearning #Uracil #Use #users V #Vaccine #Virgo #VLC #VokoScreen #Volunteer #Volunteering #VultureNethack #vultureseye W #Warming #wayland #weatherinfo #Website #WhiteVinegar #wicd #wireless #Wordpress #Work #WorldCup #WorldSpaceWeek #Wormhole #Write freely #Writing X #Xchat #XenonLamp #XFCE #XFCE4 #XMPP #xorg #Xournal #xray Y #YearOfTheFediverse Z #Zoo desktop app error

I have downloaded the app for GNU/Linux Amd64.
1. Switched to a root shell with su - 2. Navigated to where the .deb file was downloaded to 3. Entered the following

dpkg -i ./replit_1.0.0_amd64.deb
  1. And got the following output dpkg-deb: error: archive './replit_1.0.0_amd64.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst', giving up dpkg: error processing archive ./replit_1.0.0_amd64.deb (--install): dpkg-deb --control subprocess returned error exit status 2 Errors were encountered while processing: ./replit_1.0.0_amd64.deb

Issue seems to be the compression is using tar.zst, I have no idea what this is either, normally it is .tar.gz

Sharing here in case anyone else has a problem.


Asked on the Replit forum and it seems it may have something to do with my Debian version, see post here



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Code Club 19/8/2023 Write up

So this week, we started the attendees with more Hour of Code activities. We are slowly starting to move towards learning text based programming languages and away from Scratch.

The hour of code activities allow for block programming but the resulting block code be viewed as java based code which is really useful for building that link.

In order to support this I had a go at Mario secret advantures which helps to build some of the many important features of gaming, movement, collision, scoring etc.

I have just made a video and uploaded to peer tube, my system is a little slow so I have left out the music part, but the main point of this exercise is to use loops to reduce code needed.

Next code club 2nd September.

Useful Links


#CodeClub,#Projects,#Python,#Scratch,#Coding.#Programming,#Children, #Education

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