Beginning rust programming 2
A quick summary of what we can do with Cargo.
We can create a project using cargo new.
We can build a project using cargo build.
We can build and run a project in one step using cargo run.
We can build a project without producing a binary to check for errors using cargo check.
Instead of saving the result of the build in the same directory as our code, Cargo stores it in the target/debug directory.
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Beginning rust programming
I am going to learn some rudimentary rust, so that I can hopefully write some simple programs.
I have installed the rust programming language compiler, according to the man page, to compile a program source to an executable on a GNU/Linux system I need.
rustc -o hello
However, for really simple programs
works fine.
Which is very similar to how you would compile in c.
So following the age-old tradition of creating a program to display hello world.
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ls
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ rustc
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ls
:~/Development/rust/helloworld$ ./hello
Hello, world!
The manual then jumps in to using cargo, as this is better for managing larger projects, so this also needs to be installed
sudo apt install cargo
We can also check what versions we are running
rustc --version
rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21) (built from a source tarball)
cargo --version
cargo 1.75.0
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Changing Scratch Interface Language.
One of the advantages with Scratch is that it has a really nice interface, it is also available in a range of different languages.
Before the last Code Club I asked the tutor who runs the group in the room next door to the IT group. While they are learning English, I decided to ask if any of his group are interested in Code Club.
I am posting this to illustrate how to change the language of the Scratch front end, so children who speak other language can access this resource easily.
- You need to be logged to scratch
- You need to start a new project
- Click on the globe icon and select a language
3a. Note that the globe is normally on the left, but for the languages that read left to right, the globe icon is on the right hand side.
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Learning the R statistical language
During a recent conversation, with a member of a job seeking buddy group that I am a member of, we had a brief chat about the R programming language. This is designed and optimised to help with statistics, allows graphs to be produced from data and also integrates with other software such as LaTeX, Python and more.
Learning R is probably not difficult, the hardest part with learning something is finding the right resources to help. To this end I have found a collated a few links below.
The Links below could be useful generally if you are going to be running R on a GNU/Linux system then knowledge of the command line may be useful. I have also included a link to the study support forum.
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Book on Haskell
If anyone is interested in learning Haskell, then this book may interesting :-
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