Paul Sutton


Jupyter Notebook intro

If you are interested in Sciences and I think with this specifically data science or science generally then it seems that Jupyter notebook is very popular and powerful tool.

The following is an introductory video.

Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough


If there is interest, perhaps we can look in to this at a future STEM group meeting and try and invite someone along who may be able to help explain and or demonstrate further.


#Programming,#Data,#Jupyter,#Notebook,#Python,#R,#Visualisation, #JupyterNotebook

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Learning the R statistical language

During a recent conversation, with a member of a job seeking buddy group that I am a member of, we had a brief chat about the R programming language. This is designed and optimised to help with statistics, allows graphs to be produced from data and also integrates with other software such as LaTeX, Python and more.

Learning R is probably not difficult, the hardest part with learning something is finding the right resources to help. To this end I have found a collated a few links below.



The Links below could be useful generally if you are going to be running R on a GNU/Linux system then knowledge of the command line may be useful. I have also included a link to the study support forum.



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