Paul Sutton



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Nethack vultures-eye 1

Nethack is a very popular game amongst some techy groups. Normal Nethack is a text based game. However vultures-eye, adds some basic 3d isometric graphics to the game, making it more accessible to people.

As you explore, you come across, monsters and other residents in the dungeon, some are friendly others not so, you need to discover all this as you explore the many rooms, corridors in the game.


Depending on your character type you get a companion with you. Here the player is a knight accompanied by a horse.

I have the game working on FreeBSD, so these notes / screenshots are copied over from my FreeBSD install.



Gold (zorkomids) are the main currency, you need this to buy new goods, and receive this if you sell something.


Shops are a place to buy or sell goods.


You can see your full inventory, detailing what you are carrying, wearing or how much currency you have.


While the game maps help you keep track of where you are.





When you die, you can view all the stats on how you performed during the game.



One of the many stairways down to the next level of the dungeon, you can go up and down these as you wish. The upper most level (1) has a stairway to the outside world, choose this, your game ends. Onwards and downwards, it has to be.


Under FreeBSD the main configuration file can be found at ./vulture/vulture.conf

However other options can be found in /usr/local/lib/vulture-nethackdir/config


So taking a look at the local configuration file, you can set up screensize, sound, sound effects etc. This is pretty much self explanatory.



#games, #rogue, #roguelike, #nethack, #vultureseye, #unix,#freebsd, #dungeon, #crawler, #VultureNethack

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Nethack Vulture scores 10/8/2020

This post will,from time to time be republished, with updates to the score table.

Just sharing my latest scores from Nethack-vulture. I am playing this on FreeBSD.


 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1       1078  paul-Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7.  Killed by a dog, while helpless.              -  [33]
  2        987  paul-Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 4 [max 5].  Killed by a homunculus, while
                helpless.                                               -  [44]
  3        265  Paul-Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 2 [max 3].  Killed by a jackal.                   -  [16]
  4        221  Paul-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 2.  Killed by a grid bug, while helpless.         -  [16]
  5         76  Paul-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 2.  Killed by a goblin.                           -  [13]

to generate the score type:

nethack -s at the command line. If you direct this in to a file with nethack -s >score.txt, then this will also include scores from previous games.


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FreeBSD 2

Following on from my previous post. I have been working on fixing the keyboard mapping issue.

Again, after asking for some help on this from IRC, I was given an example configuration file to work from.


From this I have created a new X11 keyboard configuration file for the UK / GB keyboard layout. This now works, so at least pressing shift 2 gives “ and not @ which would happen on a US keyboard and was happening previously.

Now this is working, it is a little easier to play nethack as @ turns auto pickups off, which is very helpful when you don't want to pick up everything you come across.

#freebsd, #x11, #keyboard, #layout, #configuration, #irc, #nethack

You can find me on Friendica at

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FreeBSD 1

Further to my post on Vultures-eye earlier . I spent some time last night installing FreeBSD with the view to getting the game working. The page on freshports.

I also joined #freebsd on to ask for any help.

Once I had downloaded the ISO file and created an install DVD. I set about installing it. Text based installer is easy to use. Very similar to Slackware.

Once installed, I set about installing nethack with the package manager. (pkg install <packagename ) Once installed I realised that I probably need to run this through X.

I then set about installing X11 on the target netbook. This was painless, once installed started X11 with startx then ran the vulture-nethack game

Worth noting the config file can be found in /usr/home/user/.vulture as: vulture.conf

You may want to: Change the game window size Turn off music if you want to play the game and :-

  • watch a video
  • listen to other music.

The game worked fine, so I can get back to playing again.

The only issue I did seem to have was setting up a normal user account, this failed during the install process, not quite sure why, but I just added a new user with adduser from the root prompt. One thing to note about BSD is the user home director is in a different place. But that much different to under Linux.

I also installed prboom which is a free Doom game.

Given that I have never actually touched BSD at all. The ease of use is down to the great work of the developer team(s).

FreeBSD Handbook

#freebsd, #unix, #nethack, #technology, #computing, #irc, #freenode, #support, #install, #configure, #x11, #setup, #netbook

You can find me on Friendica at

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