Paul Sutton



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A #AbsorbtionSpectra #Abuse #Academy #Activism #Adenine #Afghanistan #Africa #Alphablocks #AMES #AminoAcid #AmnestyInternational #AMOC #Analytics #apg #Api #Apt #Aptitude #AralBalkan #Archaeology #Arduino #ARM #Artemis #arXiv #Assembler #AstroBiology #AstroChemistry #Astronify #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Atlantic #AtomicStructure B #BlueGhost #bash #BASH #BASHShell #BatchProcessing #Beamer #BepiColombo #better #BibTeX #BigBluButton #BigOil #BioChemistry #Biology #BioMass #Blender #Blog #Bonfire #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #Browser #Bullseye #Buster C #Castopod #Charity #Chat #Chemistry #Chrome #Chromium #Climate #Code #CodeClub #Coding #Commons #Conditions #Conference #Console #Cornwall #Corona #CoronaVirus #Cosmology #Covid19 #cpd #CPD #Creative #CreativeCommons #CreativeEducation #CriticalThinking #CrudeOil #Cryptpad #Crystal #CTAN #CyberSecurity #Cytosine D #DarkMatter #Data #DBS #dcglug #dclug #Debconf #Debian #Decentralised #Decentralized #DeepLearning #Derived #Detox #Development #Devon #Diaspora #Digital #DiodeZone #Discussions #disroot #Disroot #dna #DNA #Docker #Documentation #Donate #Donation #Draft #DRM #Drupal E #Editing #Education #EdX #Electronics #Elements #emacs #Email #EmissionSpectra #Employment #Energy #EnergySavingWeek #Engine #Engine #ESA #Ethics #Ethiopia #EventManagement #Events #EveryonesInvited #Exoplanet #Exploration F #FalconsEye #Federated #Fediverse #Firefox #Flockingbird #Football #FootBall #Fosdem #FOSSandCrafts #FossileFuels #Foundation #Framablog #FramaBlog #Framework #FreeBSD #FreeBSD #Freedom #FreeSoftware #Friendica #Friendica #FSF #FSFE #Funkwhale #Fusion #FutureLearn G #Galaxy #Galculator #GameEngine #Games #Games #Gamma #GDPR #GettingStarted #Ghostreply #Gimp #Git #Gitlab #GitLab #gm #GNOME #GNU #GnuSocial #GoAccess #GoatCounter #GoDot #gold #GPL #GraphicsMagick #Greek #Guanine #GUI H #Hack #HackerPublicRadio #Hacking #Hardware #Hexchat #HomeChemistry #HomeChemistry1 #HomeChemistry10 #HomeChemistry11 #HomeChemistry12 #HomeChemistry13 #HomeChemistry14 #HomeChemistry15 #HomeChemistry16 #HomeChemistry17 #HomeChemistry18 #HomeChemistry2 #HomeChemistry3 #HomeChemistry4 #HomeChemistry5 #HomeChemistry6 #HomeChemistry7 #HomeChemistry8 #HomeChemistry9 #Hosting #HPR #htop #Hubble #Hubzilla #HumanRights #Hypothesis I #Image #ImageManipulation #Index #InfoGraphic #information #Inkscape #Invidious #IRC J #JamesWebb #Jitsi #JoeEditor #jpl #JPL #Jupyter #JupyterNotebook #JWST K #Kanban #kbin #KCSIE #KDE #KeepingChildrenSafeinEducation, #Kenya #kstars L #LaTeX #Law #Learning #Lecture #Legal #Legislation #Lemmy #LGPL #LiberaPay #Libre #LibreAdventure #LibreLounge #Librem #Libreoffice #LibreOffice #LibreOfficeCalc #LibreOfficeDraw #LibreOfficeGettingStarted #LibreOfficeImpres #LibreOfficeWriter #LibrePlanet #Linux #LinuxMint #Lua #Luanti #Luanti #LXDE #Lynx M #Magnesium #Management #Manganese #Map #Mapscii #Mars #Mastodon #Materials #Matomo #Matrix #Maya #Meeting #Meetings #mercury #Mercury #Meta #mining #Misskey #mobile #Mobile #Mobilizon #Mobilizon #MolarSolutionCalculator #Moon N #NaCl #Nano #NationsLeague #Nebula #NetHack #network #NewSkillsAcademy #Nextcloud #NFL #NGINX #Nuclear #NuclearFusion #Nucleobases #NASA O #Ocean #Oil #OilProducts #Online #Online #OnlineSafetyBill #Open #OpenData #OpenLearn #OpenStreetMap #OpenUniversity #Orbitals #OU #Overleaf #Owncast #OwnCloud P #Package #Parker #PaigntonLibrarySTEMGroup #Pandas #Paper #ParticlePhysics #Particles #Password #Payment #Paypal #PDF #PeerTube #PeriodicTable #Phonics #Photo #Photograph #Photographs #Photos #Physics #pinebook #pinephone #PixelFed #Planet #Plausible #Pleroma #Plume #Podcast #PowderToy #Privacy #Production #Products #Programming #ProtoSchool #Public #Purism #Python #Python3 Q #Quark #Quarks R #RadioAstronomy #Reading #Recovery #RedBubble #RedCabbage #Research #Rights #RISC #RISCV #rna #RNA #RocksAndDiamonds #Rookie #RookieCamp #Rust S #Safeguarding #SaferInternetDay #Safety #Salt #Schools #Science #Science #ScienceDaily #Scismic #Scratch #Scratch2 #Scratch3 #SDTJ #Seagl #Security #Simulator #Sitejs #Skymaps #smallweb #Soccer #Social #SocialHome #SocialHub #SodiumChloride #Solarus #Solid #SouthDevonTechJam #Space #Stars #Stellarium #Stickers #Stripe #stsci #Symmetry #Synaptic T #Tailings #Talk #Teaching #TeachingAssistant #Techlearningcollective #Telescope #Terminal #Terms #TeX #TextEditor #TheOpenUniversity #Theory #TheOU #Thesis #Thunar #Thunderbird #Thymine #Tilde #Toot #Top #Topic #Torbay #TorbayTrojans #Transit #Translation #Trojans #Trunk #Tuxiversity U #Ulytsheavy #Umami #UN #UnitedKingdom #UnitedNations #UniverseOfLearning #Uracil #Use #users V #Vaccine #Virgo #VLC #VokoScreen #Volunteer #Volunteering #VultureNethack #vultureseye W #Warming #wayland #weatherinfo #Website #WhiteVinegar #wicd #wireless #Wordpress #Work #WorldCup #WorldSpaceWeek #Wormhole #Write freely #Writing X #Xchat #XenonLamp #XFCE #XFCE4 #XMPP #xorg #Xournal #xray Y #YearOfTheFediverse Z #Zoo

Tilde – text editor

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Tilde is a nice, curses based text editor. It is useful for if you are at the console or terminal in Linux and want a menu driven editor.


While other tools are more command driven (nano, emacs, vi, vim and joe to name a few). Tilde is being mentioned for those of you who may find it useful

As you would expect with a modern editor, tilde has support for syntax highlighting.

Tilde Syntax Highlighting

Which is really useful for programming or editing website code for example.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#Linux,#TextEditor,#Editor,#Text, #Tilde,#Programming,#SyntaxHighlighting,#console, #terminal

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I have found another way to change the Default Linux console font to something that is more readable, from the default which is really small text. The instructions are at [1]. This works on my current Debian [2] 11.0 set up, but as usual Your mileage may vary. If you ask on a forum, social media or IRC about this, please quote the website below [1] and not this blog post.

The contents of my /etc/default/console-setup are now as follows:-

  3 # Consult the console-setup(5) manual page.
  5 ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6]"
  7 CODESET="guess"
  8 FONTFACE="TerminusBold"
  9 FONTSIZE="16x32"
 14 # The following is an example how to use a braille font
 15 # FONT='lat9w-08.psf.gz brl-8x8.psf'

Hopefully this is useful.

For the record my settings are:-






  1. How to change your linux console fonts 2 Debian 3 Free Software Foundation



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Ansi Weather 2

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Further to my previous post on ansi weather

I wrote this, which asks for your location, and displays the weather.

echo "where do you live ?"
read location
ansiweather -l $location

In my previous post I was trying to use sed to clean up the output, this isn't needed as the -a option removes the colour coding from the output

ansiweather -a false -l Plymouth, UK >> weatherinfo.txt


Weather in Plymouth => -10 °C – Wind => 1.72 m/s NNW – Humidity => 62 % – Pressure => 1028 hPa

Which is far better.

so our new shell script is

1 #send weather info to Mastodon
  2 # current date
  3 date > weatherinfo.txt
  4 # current weather
  5 # use -a false to remove colour from output, set location, output to a file
  6 ansiweather -a false -l Plymouth, UK >> weatherinfo.txt
  7 # output to console too
  8 ansiweather -a false -l Plymouth, UK
  9 #send to Mastodon
 10 toot post < weatherinfo.txt
 11 # done
 12 echo done

So the final output to Mastodon is

Final Output

There are more options in the file

Thank you to Noisytoot for helping with this.

If you now combine the 2nd script with the one I have at the top of this page you should be able to input your location, then get the local weather.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#ansiweather,#weather,#mastodon,#bash,#console,#terminal #information

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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WICD Curses

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wicd-curses is a console program that allows you to connect to wireless wifi networks. I found out about this after chatting on IRC with a few other users on freenode and mentioned I was having issues connecting to wifi from the command line.

This can be installed using apt install wicd-curses. A man page can be viewed with man wicd-curses.


As I am using Debian then the package information can be found here.

The above screenshot is from my desktop which does not have or even need wifi connection. But on my netbook this should show available wifi networks, and allow the one you want to be selected. You will probably need your wifi credentials e.g password etc to connect further.

Another step to seeing if I can actually use a computer directly from the command line without the need for a gui. I need to try and configure alpine to now send e-mail and I may be nearly there. However this isn’t really essential to my needs anyway.

Please feel free to discuss further on Mastodon


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Booting into console mode

With most Linux systems you boot in to a Graphical desktop. However, there are times when you want to perhaps use a pure console. While you can switch to a console with CTRL-ALT-Fn keys. If you want to set your system so that it boots directly to the console then I have found the instructions here.


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FreeBSD 7

Further to my previous post I have been on IRC #freebsd in order to ask about what would be good to use for taking screen shots of desktop applications for example.

Scrot : is easy to use and you cam use this to take a picture of the whole screen, this will be useful going forward with these posts.

pkg install scrot

For basic usage just type scrot at the console or in a terminal window.

I have also installed simpleviewer, with

pkg install simpleviewer

However running this at the cli did do anything, you need to find the actual binary executable for this.

info -lx simpleviewer

reveals sviewgl as the program you need to run.

I am now pretty much set up for taking screenshots and being able to view then.

#bsd, #desktop, ##freebsd, #twm, #screenshots, #graphics, #viewing, #console, #gui


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Console / terminal File viewer

One of the nice things about forums, IRC etc, is you get to find out about all sorts of software that is really useful. Sometimes this just seems to address fit what you want.

One such example is a program called view

manpage description is:-

mcview – Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.

You can use view to view pdf files, or rather the text content within, which is pretty good, very useful if compiling $\LaTeX$ with pdflatexfor example.

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You can also use view on a png graphics file, however this just displays information about the file, for example resolution. Again useful from the terminal / console at least.


#console, #file,#view,#pdf,#linux

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If you would like to try out different desktop environments on a GNU / Linux based OS then Debian offers a tool called tasksel. This will make it easier to choose a different desktop environment for example.

You need to run this as root.


which presents you with the following.

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The tasksel tool runs as part of the text based installation routine but post install you may want to change something without having to resort to using synaptic or other graphical package manager or even using apt from the linux terminal or console.

You can also opt to install a webserver or ssh server.

#Linux, #debian, #console, #software, #choice, #install

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Following a conversation on the Mosaic browser. I decided to try and view my personal Journal blog in the Lynx console browser. Screenshot below.

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The blog works really nicely on Lynx. I can navigate, select links and the various static pages. Lynx does not display pictures or other media, but this is fine. It should display the alt text data though.

This at least allows my website to be viewed in other browsers at least, not that I can see people moving en-masse to text based browsers.

Lynx can be installed with apt install lynx as root user of course.


#blog, #linux, #console, #browser, #text, #lynx, #Mozaic

You can find me on Friendica at

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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