FreeBSD 7

Further to my previous post I have been on IRC #freebsd in order to ask about what would be good to use for taking screen shots of desktop applications for example.

Scrot : is easy to use and you cam use this to take a picture of the whole screen, this will be useful going forward with these posts.

pkg install scrot

For basic usage just type scrot at the console or in a terminal window.

I have also installed simpleviewer, with

pkg install simpleviewer

However running this at the cli did do anything, you need to find the actual binary executable for this.

info -lx simpleviewer

reveals sviewgl as the program you need to run.

I am now pretty much set up for taking screenshots and being able to view then.

#bsd, #desktop, ##freebsd, #twm, #screenshots, #graphics, #viewing, #console, #gui


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