Just reposting this, you may need to request info on when the next set of courses start.
One of the advantages of being on the Fediverse is you interact with a really wide group of people. You also get to find out about interesting things going on. With Cybersecurity being a really hot topic at present with a real demand for skills, then Black Hat Spring Trainings 2024 | Registration may be of interest. This course will take place in the USA, but you only have until early January 2024 to sign up.
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Free Code Camp
With the end of the academic year approaching, I decided to give Free Code Camp another mention and as there are now more courses available.
1 Responsive Web Design Certification
2 JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Beta) Certification
3 Front End Development Libraries Certification
4 Data Visualization Certification
5 Relational Database Certification
6 Back End Development and APIs Certification
7 Quality Assurance Certification
8 Scientific Computing with Python (Beta) Certification
9 Data Analysis with Python Certification
10 Information Security Certification
11 Machine Learning with Python Certification
12 College Algebra with Python Certification
Other courses
Learn English for Developers
A2 English for Developers (Beta) Certification
Earn free professional certifications:
(New) Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification
Prepare for the developer interview job search:
The Odin Project – freeCodeCamp Remix (Beta)
Coding Interview Prep
Project Euler
Rosetta Code
Explore our Legacy Curriculum:
Legacy Responsive Web Design Challenges
Legacy JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
Legacy Python for Everybody
FreeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546).
Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public.
Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff.
Follow free code camp on mastodon @freecodecamp@bird.makeup. Note this account mirrors what is posted to X.
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Tech Learning Collective
Just reposting this as it is a useful learning resource
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How to Teach Online Courses (17 September 2022) · Events (Indico)
A few years ago I was involved with Debian Academy. For various reasons the project came to a halt.
Fast forward to 2022 and the project has now been restarted, the first course being presented is on how to create a course using Moodle. The will be presented from the 17th September.
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Learning how to use these and the associated tools is way beyond the scope of what I am doing here. I would therefore suggest you look in to other learning options.
There are many other providers, not sure about any in Torbay, we do seem to be in the dark ages down here. But Tech Learning Collective do several courses.
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Tech Ethics
Another interesting post on Mastodon. The original blog article may be a few years old but seems to raise some good points about teaching ethics in Technology and a link to a spreadsheet with where you can learn about this within courses.
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Creative Education Courses
Just making a very quick post, with a summary of recently completed Creative Education Courses.
Creative Education : Parental Awareness of Self-Harm 1/6/2021
Creative Education : How to Engage & motivate your class 23/5/2021
Spot and Support Speech, Language & Communication Needs, 16/5/2021
Suicide: How to Support During Crisis Moments, 9/5/2021
Ensuring a Smooth Transition in the Year of Covid, 2/5/2021
Exams & Assessments: 10 Things Parents & Carers Need to Know, Creative Education, 24/4/2021
Navigating Frenemies, Cliques and Bants with Your Teen, Creative Education, 10/4/2021
Supporting Children with Friendship Issues, Creative Education,8/4/2021
Teaching for Students with PMLD, Creative Education, 2/4/2021
Spot the Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health, Creative Education, 22/3/2021
How to be Kinder to Yourself, Creative Education. 14/3/2021
Imposter syndrome: 5 tips to overcome it, Creative Education, 7/3/2021
De-escalation: What is it and how do I do it?, Creative Education, 28/2/2021
Anxiety: Supporting Teens to Support Themselves, Creative Education, 22/2/2021
Enable Children to Feel Safe so They Can Flourish, Creative Education, 15/2/2021
Make a success of remote teaching, Creative Education, 13/10/2020
Spot and support attachment disorder, Creative Education, 12/10/2020
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Basic IT course update 8
So further to my previous update on the Level 1 Digital skills course. The certificate for this has arrived.
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This blog post has been ported from my old blog site.
If you’re looking for a new online course to take, you’re in luck. 200 universities have launched 620+ free online courses. Here’s the full list, by
This is well worth checking out. All this learning and knowledge is now at the fingertips of everyone which is great for knowledge sharing and improving the skills of many people all over the world.
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