Paul Sutton


Data Detox workshops 2024

Now that the library IT room is being updated, it would be a good time to look at trying to actually present some of the Data Detox workshops as listed below.

  • Your Data Detox Starts Here
  • Demystifying Your Data
  • Declutter Your Phone with an App Cleanse
  • Smartphones, Smart Habits
  • Facts vs. Feelings: Keep Calm and Spot the Design Tricks

    Data Detox Workshops



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NASA Citizen Science

This is something attendees at the STEM group could get involved with and use the group as a meet point to discuss projects and ideas being worked on.

Lets put Torbay on the map by building an active science community

Citizen Science Projects

NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. More than 410 NASA citizen scientists have been named as co-authors on refereed scientific publications. Want to work on some real NASA science? Click on one of the 34 projects below to get started. NASA citizen science projects are open to everyone around the world, not limited to U.S. citizens or residents. Projects with the
icon can be done by anyone, anywhere, with just a cellphone or laptop. 

If you're note quite ready for this yet, then perhaps form a community so we can help each other build the skills and support each other.



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Code Club & STEM Group updates 4

Identify different video out connectors. I am making this post, as I may need to ask people what type of video connectors they have on their hardware, this will help them, help me. I can then turn up at a school or other venue with the correct cables.

A few pictures below, from OpenClipArt


VGA Connector


HDMI Connector, this should give a rough idea of the size, shape


DVI Connector Links



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Code Club & STEM Group updates 3


The Pi-brella is a small add on board for the original Raspberry Pi, but still functions on newer models. This had features, such as a buzzer, i/o sockets, a switch and LEDs.

A few photos below




#STEMGroup,#CodeClub,#PiBrella,#LookingForWork,#OpenToOffers,#Torbay, #Devon,#LookingForEmployment,#Schools,#STEM

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Code Club & STEM Group updates 2

Working on a few resources to support code club, if there are doubts about my ability to put effort in to something then these are clearly misguided.

I am looking for employment to support and help with STEM. At code club & STEM Group, I think there is scope to help with

  • Physical computing
    • Electronics
  • General coding (Scratch, Python)
  • Networking
  • BASH Command line
    • BASH Scripting
  • Data Detox workshops
  • Study skills

Along with a lot more,

A few photos below

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi, set up with a Breadboard and wires. I just need to re-flash the SDcard.

Bar Graph

LED Bargraph (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

Traffic Lights

LED Traffic Lights (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

GPIO Header

The GPIO header allows connection of a Pi to a header on a breadboard for prototyping, the other end (under the board) plugs in to the Pi.

We will hopefully carry on at the next STEM Group meeting.


#STEMGroup,#CodeClub,#LookingForWork,#OpenToOffers,#Torbay, #Devon,#LookingForEmployment,#Schools,#STEM

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Transistor Amplifier

I have finished building a transistor Amplifier. This is in preparation for the next STEM group meeting, on April 9th.

trans amp

As this contains a voltage divider, I have also built a few more resistor boards, with the view of presenting an activity around this.

resistor board




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Resistor boards

This is a repost and update for a previous post. I am posting this here too.

As the next Paignton Library Stem Group meeting is

Date : Saturday 9th April 2022 Times : 11am –> 15:00

In preparation for the next event, I have been working on creating some electronics resources to demonstrate at the event.

These are quite simple to make, solder on headers and which ever component is needed for that particular board

Electronics 1

Various resistors 270ohm 330ohm 1k ohm 10k ohm

As of 23/3/2022 I have made up the following:-

  • 20K
  • 1 M
  • 2,2K
  • 15K
  • 80k

Which I hope to use for demonstrating voltage dividers.

A few pictures of some previous boards, that I have built up.

Electronics 1

Power supply, we need to get power from a battery to the circuit.

Electronics 1

Reed switch (not soldered), 1uF capacitors (soldered) and a switch block, not soldered as I want to figure out which switch block to use (I have a few)

Electronics 1

I have added a 3 way header as this allows for:

  • Components to be attached together
  • Branches in circuits
  • Connection of meters, scopes and other equipment

It should be possible to build a circuit that, internally will flash, for example an LED then use a scope to examine the frequencies at different points in the circuit.

I plan to solder up other component boards. Hopefully I will have something to demonstrate, but other visitors should be able to have a go.



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Tech Ethics

Another interesting post on Mastodon. The original blog article may be a few years old but seems to raise some good points about teaching ethics in Technology and a link to a spreadsheet with where you can learn about this within courses.


We can perhaps discuss further at the Feb Stem group meeting



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The Paignton STEM Group's aim is to bring together people who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Provide a safe space for discussion, showcasing of projects and to encourage and advocate STEM subjects.

The first Paignton Library Stem Group meeting is

Date : Saturday 13th November 2021 Times : 11am –> 1pm & 1pm to 3pm

Booking essential. Under 8's must be accompanied by a parent.

01803 714 460 for details / booking

In preparation for this, I have been working on creating some electronics resources to demonstrate at the event.

These are quite simple to make, solder on headers and which ever component is needed for that particular board

Electronics 1

Various resistors 270ohm 330ohm 1k ohm 10k ohm

Electronics 1

Power supply, we need to get power from a battery to the circuit.

Electronics 1

Reed switch (not soldered), 1uF capacitors (soldered) and a switch block, not soldered as I want to figure out which switch block to use (I have a few)

Electronics 1

Transistor NPN 2n222A

All soldered up so they can just be wired up.

I have added a 3 way header as this allows for:

  • Components to be attached together
  • Branches in circuits
  • Connection of meters, scopes and other equipment

It should be possible to build a circuit that, internally will flash, for example an LED then use a scope to examine the frequencies at different points in the circuit.

I plans to solder up other component boards. Hopefully I will have something to demonstrate, but other visitors should be able to have a go.



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