The Paignton STEM Group's aim is to bring
together people who are interested in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths. Provide a
safe space for discussion, showcasing of projects
and to encourage and advocate STEM subjects.
The first Paignton Library Stem Group meeting is
Date : Saturday 13th November 2021
Times : 11am –> 1pm & 1pm to 3pm
Booking essential. Under 8's must be accompanied by a parent.
01803 714 460 for details / booking
In preparation for this, I have been working on creating some electronics resources to demonstrate at the event.
These are quite simple to make, solder on headers and which ever component is needed for that particular board

Various resistors 270ohm 330ohm 1k ohm 10k ohm

Power supply, we need to get power from a battery to the circuit.

Reed switch (not soldered), 1uF capacitors (soldered) and a switch block, not soldered as I want to figure out which switch block to use (I have a few)

Transistor NPN 2n222A
All soldered up so they can just be wired up.
I have added a 3 way header as this allows for:
- Components to be attached together
- Branches in circuits
- Connection of meters, scopes and other equipment
It should be possible to build a circuit that, internally will flash, for example an LED then use a scope to examine the frequencies at different points in the circuit.
I plans to solder up other component boards. Hopefully I will have something to demonstrate, but other visitors should be able to have a go.