Paul Sutton


BBC Micro simulator

As there are a few people who remember the BBC Micro, I am sharing a few related resources that keep the computer alive in the form of simulators and or emulators.

Firstly an online emulator written in JavsScript

Another emulator is here This is linked to a Mastodon Account which posts examples of code projects, you can search for this with

Finally a Virtual BBC Micro

Well worth joining Mastodon and the fediverse for all the really great content that is starting to appear. The advantages is there is no one of the data collection, tracking, advertising, AI or other irrelevant nonsense. which makes for a much better experience online.


#Mastodon,#Fedivese#BBC,#Micro,#Computers,#Retro,#Technology,#Emulator, #Simulator

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Effect of long term space flight on the Brain

Study explores effects of extended spaceflight on brain

Scientists from the U.S., Europe and Russia are part of a team releasing the results of a large collaborative study involving the effects of long duration spaceflight on the brain. 

Page citation : Medical University of South Carolina. “Study explores effects of extended spaceflight on brain.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 12 April 2022.

Positive note: Despite the current situation in Ukraine, those involved in science can still carry on working and collaborating, for the benefit of everyone.





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Neutrino Astronomy: A New Window into the Extreme Universe

The next Space Telescope Science Institute Lecture is on 5th April 2022.





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Hubble from Space and Integral-field Spectroscopy

*Hubble from Space and Integral-field Spectroscopy from the Ground: Seeing Both the Forests and the Trees

This is the Space Telescope Science Institute Lecture from March 2022.

A detailed, but also beginner friendly, in parts, introduction to spectroscopy also looking how this is applied and used in Astronomy.





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Transistor Amplifier

I have finished building a transistor Amplifier. This is in preparation for the next STEM group meeting, on April 9th.

trans amp

As this contains a voltage divider, I have also built a few more resistor boards, with the view of presenting an activity around this.

resistor board




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LibreAdventure Testing 3

LibreAdventure Testing 3


Lots of work behind the scenes to iron out some bugs & problems with the software. I was involved with further testing on 15/3 and there is further testing planned for 17/3. This testing has also included load testing so we know the server will stand up to the number of users expected.

Looking good for the weekend. There will be a LibrePlanet post on Saturday with a link to this.

Free Software and Hardware



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Github Co-pilot discussion

Github Co-pilot discussion

Copilot is a AI tool to help developers with writing code. There will be a discussion on Thursday 3rd March and Monday 7th March to discuss various issues arising from the use of this.

More information can be found in the FSF article

This will take place on IRC Libera Chat at 19:00 UK time.

Free Software and Hardware



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Building a ping pong ball shooter – part 2

Building a ping pong ball shooter

Further to the previous post, the ball shooter is now built up. I do need to solder this together, at some point. For now, it works as it is. This is the test I did at the library (more space).



#YearOfTheFediverse,#FediverseRising,#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#PingPongBall,#Shooter,#Electronics,#Projects, #LookingForEmployment.#LookingForOpportunities

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Building a ping pong ball shooter

Building a ping pong ball shooter

As part of an order from Better Equipped, I sent for a ping pong ball shooter. This consists of two rotating disks, which propel a ping pong ball forward.

So far, I have only partly built this. I need to do some soldering to complete. I also want to find a safe place to test it. This project will be demonstrated at the Paignton Library STEM group, but could be used in a school too. This would support, Science, Maths, Design & Technology and possibly other subjects.


shooter 1

Front showing wheels.

shooter 2

Note : Final wiring will be different to this.

shooter 3

Rear showing motors.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#FediverseRising,#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#PingPongBall,#Shooter,#Electronics,#Projects, #LookingForEmployment.#LookingForOpportunities

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LibreAdventure Testing 2

LibreAdventure Testing 2

Just been helping with more LibreAdventure testing. Please see my previous post if you are unsure, what this is.

So last week, we found a bug when we were in close proximity to another user,, the video chat didn't work, This has now been fixed for the office areas. The bug is still there, if a users enters the conference areas. A report ticket has been submitted about this.

More of the same next week, hopefully with a few more people testing.


Free Software and Hardware



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