Paul Sutton


More CPD Courses

On Monday 21st, I am due to start a course with Aspire Education Academy, which covers the following qualifications:-

  • Level 2 Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
  • Level 2 Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
  • Level 2 Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace

This is designed to help people back in to work / employment.

However i am currently employed as a supply teaching assistant (just not working enough hours). I am therefore more than happy to undertake temporary supply work, which is actually a really good way to gain experience in different schools, share ideas, share expertise and build a wide range of skills.

So just a few of the recently completed courses.

  • Level 2 Teaching Assistant Diploma, 18/10/2022

So basically a fully quaffed TA.

A few of the other courses I have undertaken:-

  • Safeguarding Children, Teaching Personnel, 18/7/2022
  • Safeguarding Children, eLearning at work, 25/8/2021
  • Home Office, Prevent Training, 19/10/2022
  • Bullying and the Law, Anti Bullying Alliance, 15/11/2022
  • What is Bullying?, Anti Bullying Alliance, 14/11/2022
  • Positive Handling in Schools, eLearning at work, 3/6/2021

  • Play Therapy Certificate, New Skills, Academy, 26/10/2022

  • Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People Certificate, New Skills, * Academy, 23/10/2022

  • First Aid for Mental Health Certificate, New Skills Academy, 20/10/2022

  • Emergency First Aid at Work – Level 3 Award – 1-Day, 1/6/2022


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Building a ping pong ball shooter – part 2

Building a ping pong ball shooter

Further to the previous post, the ball shooter is now built up. I do need to solder this together, at some point. For now, it works as it is. This is the test I did at the library (more space).



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Building a ping pong ball shooter

Building a ping pong ball shooter

As part of an order from Better Equipped, I sent for a ping pong ball shooter. This consists of two rotating disks, which propel a ping pong ball forward.

So far, I have only partly built this. I need to do some soldering to complete. I also want to find a safe place to test it. This project will be demonstrated at the Paignton Library STEM group, but could be used in a school too. This would support, Science, Maths, Design & Technology and possibly other subjects.


shooter 1

Front showing wheels.

shooter 2

Note : Final wiring will be different to this.

shooter 3

Rear showing motors.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#FediverseRising,#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#PingPongBall,#Shooter,#Electronics,#Projects, #LookingForEmployment.#LookingForOpportunities

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