Paul Sutton


Lego Mindstorms

We have sone Lego Mindstorms at Code Club, which has remained largely unused until now. Partly due to lack of time and or expertise to figure it out.

As I am helping at a digital leaders club, we have been trying to use the lego owned by the school, as with the Lego Mindstorms both the NXT and RCX bricks are no longer supported.


Step in the Brick Pi, obtained from the same school as the Lego (not the school I am running this club at). Despite the Lego sitting in a cupboard for a few years, it still boots up and I can actually run a motor fine. So a good starting point.

On Thursday, I will be taking this in to the digital leaders club, so that we can hopefully experiment with it.

This is the best I can do at the moment, hopefully installing scratch Link will allow Scratch 3 to talk to the existing rxc or the nxt block I am using, but that belongs to code club.

Should give us some scope to undertake more Lego Mindstorms at the library.


#CodeClub,#LegoMindstorms,#BrickPi,#Scratch,#Engineering,#Coding, #LookingForEmployment

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Code Club & STEM Group updates 4

Identify different video out connectors. I am making this post, as I may need to ask people what type of video connectors they have on their hardware, this will help them, help me. I can then turn up at a school or other venue with the correct cables.

A few pictures below, from OpenClipArt


VGA Connector


HDMI Connector, this should give a rough idea of the size, shape


DVI Connector Links



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Code Club & STEM Group updates 3


The Pi-brella is a small add on board for the original Raspberry Pi, but still functions on newer models. This had features, such as a buzzer, i/o sockets, a switch and LEDs.

A few photos below




#STEMGroup,#CodeClub,#PiBrella,#LookingForWork,#OpenToOffers,#Torbay, #Devon,#LookingForEmployment,#Schools,#STEM

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Code Club & STEM Group updates 2

Working on a few resources to support code club, if there are doubts about my ability to put effort in to something then these are clearly misguided.

I am looking for employment to support and help with STEM. At code club & STEM Group, I think there is scope to help with

  • Physical computing
    • Electronics
  • General coding (Scratch, Python)
  • Networking
  • BASH Command line
    • BASH Scripting
  • Data Detox workshops
  • Study skills

Along with a lot more,

A few photos below

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi, set up with a Breadboard and wires. I just need to re-flash the SDcard.

Bar Graph

LED Bargraph (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

Traffic Lights

LED Traffic Lights (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

GPIO Header

The GPIO header allows connection of a Pi to a header on a breadboard for prototyping, the other end (under the board) plugs in to the Pi.

We will hopefully carry on at the next STEM Group meeting.


#STEMGroup,#CodeClub,#LookingForWork,#OpenToOffers,#Torbay, #Devon,#LookingForEmployment,#Schools,#STEM

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Building a ping pong ball shooter – part 2

Building a ping pong ball shooter

Further to the previous post, the ball shooter is now built up. I do need to solder this together, at some point. For now, it works as it is. This is the test I did at the library (more space).



#YearOfTheFediverse,#FediverseRising,#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#PingPongBall,#Shooter,#Electronics,#Projects, #LookingForEmployment.#LookingForOpportunities

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Building a ping pong ball shooter

Building a ping pong ball shooter

As part of an order from Better Equipped, I sent for a ping pong ball shooter. This consists of two rotating disks, which propel a ping pong ball forward.

So far, I have only partly built this. I need to do some soldering to complete. I also want to find a safe place to test it. This project will be demonstrated at the Paignton Library STEM group, but could be used in a school too. This would support, Science, Maths, Design & Technology and possibly other subjects.


shooter 1

Front showing wheels.

shooter 2

Note : Final wiring will be different to this.

shooter 3

Rear showing motors.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#FediverseRising,#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#PingPongBall,#Shooter,#Electronics,#Projects, #LookingForEmployment.#LookingForOpportunities

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E-learning at work : Equality and diversity – 12/6/2021

As part of my commitment to CPD and training. I have now completed a course on equality and diversity.

There are a total of 7 training Topics included in this online training course that cover the key syllabus of Equality & Diversity. As part of this online training course, learners will be required to complete a series of multiple-choice questions. These modules include:

    Topic 1 What is meant by the term ‘Equality and Diversity’?
    Topic 2 Consequences of inequality
    Topic 3 Human rights
    Topic 4 The Equality Act
    Topic 5 Inclusive and exclusive models of society
    Topic 6 Promoting inclusion
    Topic 7 Creating fairer workplaces

Food Allergens



#ELearningAtWork,#EqualityAndDiversity,#Training, #LookingForWork,#LookingForEmployment.

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E-learning at work : Positive Handling in Schools – 3/6/2021

As part of my commitment to CPD and training. I decided to press on and complete the e-learning at work Food Allergens course today.

This course will start by looking at some examples and statistics which highlight the seriousness and extent of aggressive pupil behaviour, it will then go on to explain how you can identify the stages of aggression and provide some tips on how you could de-escalate a pupil before they lash out. It also looks at where the law stands on this subject and finally best practice in theory if you ever do need to restrain a pupil.

Positive Handling



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E-learning at work : Food Allergens – 2/6/2021

As part of my commitment to CPD and training. I decided to press on and complete the e-learning at work Food Allergens course today.

Suitable for all food professionals working in the production, storage or service of food, this online training course will provide vital knowledge on Food Allergens and managing them safely within catering, food manufacturing and retail environments.

Food Allergens)



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E-learning at work : COSHH – 1/6/2021

As I would like to try and work as a School laboratory technician. I am taking some steps to gain the essential skills and or knowledge for this post.

I therefore completed a course on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) today. This is a step in the right direction, hopefully demonstrates a commitment to CPD. This also demonstrates the ability to identify and address training needs.

However this training is also essential for other workplaces too.

This course covers what you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). It’s aimed at anyone who is exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work, as well as line managers with responsibility for such people.




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