Code Club & STEM Group updates 2

Working on a few resources to support code club, if there are doubts about my ability to put effort in to something then these are clearly misguided.

I am looking for employment to support and help with STEM. At code club & STEM Group, I think there is scope to help with

Along with a lot more,

A few photos below

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi, set up with a Breadboard and wires. I just need to re-flash the SDcard.

Bar Graph

LED Bargraph (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

Traffic Lights

LED Traffic Lights (this can be connected to a PI using Female to Female leads, however using Female to Male leads, it can be connected to an Arduino.)

GPIO Header

The GPIO header allows connection of a Pi to a header on a breadboard for prototyping, the other end (under the board) plugs in to the Pi.

We will hopefully carry on at the next STEM Group meeting.


#STEMGroup,#CodeClub,#LookingForWork,#OpenToOffers,#Torbay, #Devon,#LookingForEmployment,#Schools,#STEM

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