Paul Sutton


Citizen scientists join fight to clean up rivers

This looks like something everyone can really get involved in, monitoring the water quality in rivers and other water. There is more details in a recent BBC Article

I will look in to this and see how to get involved, as it may also be something the Paignton Library STEM Group could get involved with.

Will post updates to my Fediverse for further discussion.




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BBC Micro simulator

As there are a few people who remember the BBC Micro, I am sharing a few related resources that keep the computer alive in the form of simulators and or emulators.

Firstly an online emulator written in JavsScript

Another emulator is here This is linked to a Mastodon Account which posts examples of code projects, you can search for this with

Finally a Virtual BBC Micro

Well worth joining Mastodon and the fediverse for all the really great content that is starting to appear. The advantages is there is no one of the data collection, tracking, advertising, AI or other irrelevant nonsense. which makes for a much better experience online.


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Global Beatles Day 25/6/2022

Global Beatles day falls on the 25th June each year. This coincides with the anniversary of the band appearing on the BBC One world programme as part of the worlds first global live broadcast.





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Uncovering rape culture

Uncovering rape culture

This is an excellent BBC documentary looking at school rape culture., Uncovering rape culture..

It really does highlight the need for change. If you work in education or are a young person / parent this could open your eyes.

From personal experience working in a secondary school and suffering abuse at the hands of students (circa 2004 – 6) I have empathy with the victims. If you report and get ignored, you are made to feel it is your fault. No wonder, people feel there is no point in making disclosures.

However: If you are a victim SPEAK UP and say something, Schools have a duty of care to help.

While not aimed at school students, [e-learning at work]() do an excellent course on sexual harassment, so you should take this course and be aware of your rights, so when you start work you are empowered to take action, if your employer fails to take action, action can be taken against them.

They also do a course in Anti Bullying (something that victims also face) and being aware of the disciplinary procedures, empowers you to ensure correct procedures are followed.



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Everyone's Invited 4

So further to my Previous post. There is now a list of schools where, abuse has taken place. At least 3 in Torbay, 2 Secondary and 1 Primary school.

The list can be found on the Website

The abuse culture needs to end now, without people making up excuses.

I still feel that we need further investigations in to other forms of abuse in schools.

This should include (not a full list):-

  • homophobic
  • racist
  • physical assaults (e.g ABH, GBH etc) in schools.

This is seems to be prevalent. There is a culture of failing to deal with it in any effective manner. It also seems schools want to protect the abusers in some way.

If you are a victim of abuse. I would strongly recommend you undertake a course in equality and diversity, that way you know the law, can quote the law to the school. The school, can't then make some excuse for letting it carry on.

Ideally investigations should happen ASAP, led by someone, competent, who can compel people to cooperate, be judge led, so that all evidence is provided under oath. Protection needed for victims, who should not keep needing to retell their versions of events.


For physical abuse, please consult other legislation.

I am making these posts because:-

  • I am committed to safeguarding
  • I want to empower others, to challenge their school and force them take action
  • I know victims of bullying in schools who have been ignored by their school, despite being informed MULTIPLE TIMES.
  • I am a victim of abuse at the hands of pupils in a school, again this abuse was ignored

  • Too many people are still being ignored.

  • The abuse needs to stop

  • Victims should not have to withdraw from a school, to escape bullies.

Key points:-

  • Schools have a legal duty to safeguard children and young people
  • Schools have a duty under Health and Safety legislation
  • Schools have a duty under Equality legislation
  • According to the positive handling course, the duty of care under H & S applies to :-

    • Staff
    • Pupils
    • Visitors (inc contractors etc )
    • Parents
    • Anyone on the school site.

So why is it happening? In 2021



If this abuse didn't happen in schools, then posts such as this would not be needed.


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This is related to my previous post to do with abuse in schools. It seems the issue is much bigger and there is no easy solution.. Previous post can be found here

So in essence teachers are not sure how to handle peer on peer abuse, or in this case peer on peer sexual abuse.

I am not too sure what is hard about teaching children the word NO from an early age and that NO means NO. and being told NO does not breach their human rights or other right,


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Malware discovered on Computers given to children

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The BBC has reported Malware found on laptops given out by government this report asks several important question as to why these laptops have not been wiped before giving away.

"Ideally users should reboot into safe mode and run a full scan with an anti-virus product," he said.

"However with this type of malware, it is advisable to seek professional assistance in order to ensure it has been correctly removed."

Is even more hilarious, to get a professional in to fix this issue will COST MONEY which is the one thing these families don't have.

Once again a scheme by our government has gone wrong.

First thing people should do when getting any device such as this is to wipe it and install a OS such as Debian, Mint or Ubuntu.




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Cheaper to prevent pandemics than 'cure' them -

note: This article contains my personal thoughts on the topics presented, I would, of course, welcome open discussion on this.

This is another interesting BBC news article, raises some interesting points on how humans interact with wildlife.

I would guess it also highlights we need to also provide clean, running water to everyone on the planet, in a way that is, of course sustainable.

In another news article, again from the BBC, Denmark are in the process of culling mink, this was after it was found there is a mutated covid strain that could be passed on to humans.

Perhaps the solution to all this is very simple, and will push for clean water for washing, cooking etc. But also access to alcohol handwash in all places that handle animals,including fish. Ultimatlythere are calls to eat less meats anyway, especially beef,due to the climate impact alone.

We need to do something, so this could make a really interesting field of research, incorporating many disciplines it may mean ending some industries, so that will need retraining.

I would guess, if we are going to produce more alcohol based hand gels we need to ensure that there are no implications of or risks of this getting in to water streams.


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Enigmatic fast radio burst pinned on magnetised dead star

This is an interesting development, astronomers have found something they have been spending years searching for. Not sure where these stars appear on the The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

The paper for this can be found on Physics World. Reported on IOPScience on 4th November 2020.

Currently discussing on a OU Science forum.


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Malaria Treatment

Even though we are in a global Covid 19 pandemic, it does not mean other important discoveries are not being made.

The BBC reported on May 4th that a microbe has been found that can block Malaria [1]. This is an important discovery, as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) article [2] suggests that Malaria killed 405,000 people i 2018.

Discoveries such as this, surely give the world hope that a treatment for Covid-19 will eventually be found. It also highlights the importance of research and proper funding for research.

  1. BBC Malaria article
  2. CDC Malaria Statistics and information

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