Paul Sutton


BBC Micro simulator

As there are a few people who remember the BBC Micro, I am sharing a few related resources that keep the computer alive in the form of simulators and or emulators.

Firstly an online emulator written in JavsScript

Another emulator is here This is linked to a Mastodon Account which posts examples of code projects, you can search for this with

Finally a Virtual BBC Micro

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The ZX Spectrum was a computer released by Sinclair Research back in 1982. It was built around the Zilog Z80 8 bit CPU.

Along with the Commodore 64, The ZX Spectrum was a very popular computer back in the 80's and early 90's and there were many classic games made during this period. Some modern games can trace their roots back to the 80's. Thanks to projects such as RetroPie, retro games can be played on modern hardware.

You can now play classic games such as Jet Set Willy in emulators, for operating systems such as Linux, MacOS and Windows. You can also play games, in a web browser, which is great for going back to your childhood memories of 8 bit gaming without having to set up an emulator.

One such site is, which offers over 200 classic games. Some games have been written as recently as the 2000's so the developer community is still out there.

You can have a go here

Spectrum Screen This is the main spectrum screen, from here you could for example load games and type in Sinclair Basic programs, also called Speccy BASIC.

manic miner Manic Miner in a browser


Pippo (Puzzle game)

We have Retro Pie set up at the South Devon Tech Jam for anyone who wants to have a go.

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