Paul Sutton


Archaeologists discover a lost ancient Maya city in the Mexican jungle

This was posted to Archaeology News [] on the Fediverse. I am sharing here as it may be of interest.

You can read the full article here



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Astronomy updates

A few updates from the world of Astronomy, these were published last week, just that my blog has lots of stuff scheduled.

Both the following are interesting:-

James Webb

We can discuss further on science forums.


Just added this on 2/5/2023

In other news it is also #BlackHoleWeek, so if you head over to NASAs Black home basics page there is loads of useful information on the the subject. Be sure to follow NASA on the Fediverse too.



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New Science discoveries 1

Something else found on the Fediverse. This was posted by Science Alert. The links should work from here too, if not you will need an account on a Mastodon instance. So lots of interesting things happening


Other links


#Science,#News,#ScienceAlert,#TWIS #robotech #FlyingRobot #pollination #physics #dodo #biotech #exoplanets #space #astronomy #health #brain #memory #neurology #neuroscience #mummy #egypt #AncientEygpt #history #burials #death #afterlife #biology #BigFoot #science #ScienceAlert #STEM

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I have started to watch the AlJazeera news channel, I am getting sick of the BBC, and to a point the other UK based news channels constantly going on about covid and ignoring other important events in the world, which if anything get a very brief mention. They seem incapable of putting out a broad range of news.

AlJazeera has some excellent coverage of what is going on in Kazakhstan

AlJazeera can be found on freeview just up from bbc news channel, and is well worth checking out. I am subscribed on Mastodon to a newsbot which federates news stories in to my stream.

They also do some excellent programming, for example there was a recent program looking at the history of the development of the spacesuit and this story was told by the granddaughter of the developer of the Apollo suit.



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Quantum science & technology: Highlights of 2021

Just found this, so making a final post for today. These are some of the highlights in the world of Physics in 2021. Lots of things happened in 2021, so lets hope 2022 is equally as exciting.

I have added a link to the discourse forum and also a link to the Tuxiversity science thread, so you can discuss courses and other options for learning.



#Physics,#Science,#PhysicsWorld,#2021,#News,#Discourse,#Forum, #Qoto,#Tuxiversity,#Education,#Learning,#Discussions

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Scientists Have Measured Earth's Ancient Magnetic Field From Stone Age Artifacts

This looks like a really useful breakthrough and will allow more study of the magnetic field around earth at different times through out Earths history. and will help predict how the field may change in the future too.

#ScienceAlert #Science #News and #Amazing #Breakthroughs #bot

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Biomolecules imaged at record-breaking resolution using localization atomic force microscopy

This is an article [1] from Physics World. We now have the ability to take really detailed images of molecules. This is really important, if not rather complex but we have made huge progress in this. Should aid study of molecules and perhaps open up new fields of research.

Back in 1989 IBM made their logo from Xenon atoms [4]. So I guess this shows how much progress we have made since then.


  1. Bio-molecular Imaging
  2. Physics World
  3. Discourse Discussion
  4. IBM Logo with Xenon Atoms



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James Webb Telescope Update from NASA 12/8/2021

The James Webb Space Telescope: Unfolding the Universe

I came across this while looking for potential STEM group resources, so am sharing.

Previous Events


#NASA,#Space,'#JWST,#JamesWebb,#Telescope.#Briefing,#News, #Education,#UniverseOfLearning

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Everyone's Invited 4

So further to my Previous post. There is now a list of schools where, abuse has taken place. At least 3 in Torbay, 2 Secondary and 1 Primary school.

The list can be found on the Website

The abuse culture needs to end now, without people making up excuses.

I still feel that we need further investigations in to other forms of abuse in schools.

This should include (not a full list):-

  • homophobic
  • racist
  • physical assaults (e.g ABH, GBH etc) in schools.

This is seems to be prevalent. There is a culture of failing to deal with it in any effective manner. It also seems schools want to protect the abusers in some way.

If you are a victim of abuse. I would strongly recommend you undertake a course in equality and diversity, that way you know the law, can quote the law to the school. The school, can't then make some excuse for letting it carry on.

Ideally investigations should happen ASAP, led by someone, competent, who can compel people to cooperate, be judge led, so that all evidence is provided under oath. Protection needed for victims, who should not keep needing to retell their versions of events.


For physical abuse, please consult other legislation.

I am making these posts because:-

  • I am committed to safeguarding
  • I want to empower others, to challenge their school and force them take action
  • I know victims of bullying in schools who have been ignored by their school, despite being informed MULTIPLE TIMES.
  • I am a victim of abuse at the hands of pupils in a school, again this abuse was ignored

  • Too many people are still being ignored.

  • The abuse needs to stop

  • Victims should not have to withdraw from a school, to escape bullies.

Key points:-

  • Schools have a legal duty to safeguard children and young people
  • Schools have a duty under Health and Safety legislation
  • Schools have a duty under Equality legislation
  • According to the positive handling course, the duty of care under H & S applies to :-

    • Staff
    • Pupils
    • Visitors (inc contractors etc )
    • Parents
    • Anyone on the school site.

So why is it happening? In 2021



If this abuse didn't happen in schools, then posts such as this would not be needed.


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This is related to my previous post to do with abuse in schools. It seems the issue is much bigger and there is no easy solution.. Previous post can be found here

So in essence teachers are not sure how to handle peer on peer abuse, or in this case peer on peer sexual abuse.

I am not too sure what is hard about teaching children the word NO from an early age and that NO means NO. and being told NO does not breach their human rights or other right,


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