New SI prefixes go large and small
Just sharing this from Physics world magazine as It seems relevant to anyone interested in large and small numerical values.
So basically we are looking at :
- $10^{27}$ – Nonna
- $10^{30}$ – quecca
Along with their counterparts
- $10^{-27}$ – ronto
- $10^{-30}$ – quecto
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The power of photonics: from vertical farming to quantum computing
The power of photonics: from vertical farming to quantum computing
I am sharing this link from Physics World, August 31st. Torbay has some industry leading photonics companies, so anyone locally reading this may be interested.
James McKenzie marvels at the wonders of photonics, which is so much more crucial to everyday life than it first appears
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Quantum science & technology: Highlights of 2021
Just found this, so making a final post for today. These are some of the highlights in the world of Physics in 2021. Lots of things happened in 2021, so lets hope 2022 is equally as exciting.
I have added a link to the discourse forum and also a link to the Tuxiversity science thread, so you can discuss courses and other options for learning.
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Biomolecules imaged at record-breaking resolution using localization atomic force microscopy
This is an article [1] from Physics World. We now have the ability to take really detailed images of molecules. This is really important, if not rather complex but we have made huge progress in this. Should aid study of molecules and perhaps open up new fields of research.
Back in 1989 IBM made their logo from Xenon atoms [4]. So I guess this shows how much progress we have made since then.
- Bio-molecular Imaging
- Physics World
- Discourse Discussion
- IBM Logo with Xenon Atoms
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Ultrafast 3d camera
This looks pretty impressive Physicsworld article on new ultra fast camera, 100 billion frames per second in 3d.
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