Paul Sutton


Ecology jobs and research opportunities.

If you're interested in jobs within Ecology and Environment it may be worth following @jobsecoevo on the fediverse. As opportunities seem to get posted on a regular basis.

Note: That these seem to be generally PostDoc opportunities, but fedi is also about making connections too.

Also worth following">Ana Rodrigues

An example of a recent post is



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Citizen scientists join fight to clean up rivers

This looks like something everyone can really get involved in, monitoring the water quality in rivers and other water. There is more details in a recent BBC Article

I will look in to this and see how to get involved, as it may also be something the Paignton Library STEM Group could get involved with.

Will post updates to my Fediverse for further discussion.




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300th Birthday: Axel Fredrik Cronstedt & Biodegradable Plastic

Just sharing these posts posted by Chemistry Views on Mastodon.

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt is credited with the discovery of the Metallic Element Nickel, and is also considered the considered a founder of modern mineralogy.

In other news “Biodegradable High-Density Plastics: Polyethylene-like material can be composted industrially and hydrolyzed by enzymes”



#Chemistry,#Minerology,#Nickel,#AxelFredrikCronstedt,#Plastic, #Biodegradable,#Enzymes,#Environment

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Lithium Mining

This graphic was posted to Mastodon, I am sharing here as it demonstrates a really good point.

Lithium Mining

While the pipeline is probably going to be oil or gas, the so called green alternatives seems to have a huge environmental impact.

Before lockdown in 2020 I was planning a STEM activity around this topic, or more specifically the effect of Lithium mining on local groundwater, and how this takes groundwater away from farmers etc.

There is a video about the Extraction process on youtube.

More info on Lithium here from compound chem


So compared to Oil / Gas, using lithium to power cars does not release gasses such as $CO2$, $NO2$ and $CO$ so the batteries are cleaner, but are they cleaner if you look at the whole lifecycle of the battery from getting the raw materials ?


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Novel food solutions for a more sustainable future – CNA

Interesting article from Channel News Asia (CNA) on sustainable food production. As climate change and disasters jeopardise food security, could the switch to alternative proteins be the solution to the region’s need for a sustainable food ecosystem? Money Mind reports.

Looks like some good innovation here. This was posted by GreenPeace [1] to Mastodon. The article [2] is worth reading so I am not going to try and paraphrase and sum up here as the message could end up getting lost that way. If you are not sure what Jackfruit are, I have also included a link to a BBC Food page on this [3].

I wasn't however aware that rice production was being affected by climate change. This really isn't good given how widespread rice is, for so many in Asia.


1 Greenpeace Mastodon 2 Article on sustainable food 3 JackFruit BBC news 4. Channel News Asia



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World’s largest solar powered green Hydrogen plant begins operation in China

Another post on Mastodon this one posted by SilverSpookGames. Sharing here as I doubt that the BBC et al will bother even giving this a mention.

Looks like a really good project, shows what CAN be achieved too.



#China,#Environment,#Solar,#Hydrogen,#NoMoreCoal, #NoMoreFossilFuels

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Mauritius Oil

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Back in October, there was a Major oil spill in Mauritius. Thanks to other news, this has largely been forgotton about.

This is the worst ecological disaster that the country has ever known.  

Before the leak was stopped, around 1000 tonnes of oil leaked from the ship and severely contaminated the precious shoreline and lagoons.

A reminder that this happened, an article from, back in October, by Ecowatch is here

Really good article, if there is a follow up to show what the long term consequences of this were I will post it.

For anyone unsure of where Mauritius is, there is a map below from Open Street Map.

View Larger Map




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Hackers Against Climate Change

Another interesting climate group on the Fediverse.

“Hackers Against Climate Change” originated as a series of self-organized sessions at 35c3. Since then we have worked with other climate activist groups, supplying them with technical knowledge, as well as trying to raise awareness for the current climate crisis in the hacker community.

#climate,#science,#computers,#hacking,#climatechange, #environment

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Peat Bogs under threat

Plan to drain Congo peat bog for oil could release vast amount of carbon

The guardian newspaper had an article on this. This could make another STEM topic discussion point. Protecting the environment is important and we can't neglect issues such as this by concentrating on our carbon footprint.

If we drive a car, we can work out the Carbon footprint from how much fuel we burn, but does this calculation include how much Carbon is released if it is released during the extraction process, such as what is mentioned in the article.

With all the talk on Carbon footprints, why don't we also focus on how much Nitrogen Oxides and other particulates. are released by cars?

#environment, #peat, #carbon, #storage, #oil, #extraction, #threat, #carbonrelease, #uk, #guardian, #newspaper, #climate, #environment, #ecosystem

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